Part 12 (Continued) Once we got out of the car, we were shown the way to St. Mary's ward, where Alexandrina was. The corridors were long, daunting. The air had a strange aroma, like somebody had just poured bleach over the entire building. I counted the wards we went past, 1, 2, 3. Eventually, we got to St. Mary's, and had to sign in. I took the pen firmly in my hand, and began to write my name. Miss... James stared at that word. I continued to write. Miss Elouise Barnes. I hated using my father's last name, Parry, it made me feel like my parents were still together. The nurse pointed to Alex's room, and smiled at us. She had a kind face, and as we walked away from her, I began to think where I had seen her before. Alex's room was a small one, a standard hospital bed, a petit wardrobe, a chair and a table. James took a seat on the bed, whilst I sat on the chair. I watched as James gently caressed his mother's pale hands. James had only one enemy: time. Alex was growing sicker by the minute; we all wondered how long we would have with her.
Her face was bony, the rosy colour from her cheeks had faded, leaving it as white as paper. Mu eyes began to fill with tears just looking at her. She looked like she had only hours left.
Alice skipped into the room, her chocolate pixie like hair was curled at the bottoms, making her look more elegant than usual. I marvelled. James and Alice looked so perfect, their flawless skin, they're smiles, the deep blue colour in their eyes. I looked so normal next to them. I turned to face Alex again, I could hear her heart pounding, her deep breathing. Alice seemed so at ease with the whole thing, like she knew her mother would be fine. That was the thing. She was getting closer and closer to death every minute, and there was nothing we could do.
We stayed in the room for an unmeasurable amount of time. James refused to let go of his dying mother's hand. I could hear everything in the room. Alice's light breathing, James' fingers tapping, Alex's slowing heart beat. Her skin had red blotches everywhere, her eyes were the worst. They were a dark brown, almost black, kind of colour. Though, she still had to kindest look about her. A look that will stay in my memory forever. I wandered out of the room, to get some space. I stared strolling down the corridor, looking into the different wings of St. Mary's ward. It was so quiet, I could hear the beeps of the hospital equipment. Maybe I'm crazy, or just tired, but I swear I saw a familiar face in one of the rooms. The person was standing up, barley, and wearing a cream coloured hospital gown. The gown was, of course, covered in little blotches of blood, and the boy standing looked at me, and smiled. It was then that I realised who it was. Carl. I rushed towards him, and opened my arms. He pulled me into a tight embrace, then passed me over to Eleanor, who squeezed me gently in her delicate arms. I smiled at Carl, my eyes glistened, and I could see he was happy to see me as much as I was to see him. Everything was perfect, until I realised the building we were in.
His skin was cold, like ice, and white, like paper. The colour in his eyes had disappeared, much like Alex's. He suddenly looked like he was in pain, but his body showed no signs. His black eyes began to shrink, and my favourite smile of his turned into a straight line. I knew immediately that he was hiding something, but I wouldn't dare make him tell me. He sat back on his bed, and I felt that I had to end the silence that filled the small room. "So, what are you doing in here?" I asked him. His cheeks went red, and he looked at the floor. Noelia nudged Eleanor, who quickly put her icy arm round my shoulder. The two girls had always been pale, and cold. This was new for Carl, and I worried about him, even though it seemed to be a family trait. Eleanor lead me outside the room, and closed the door behind her. She exhaled. There was something they weren't telling me. "Carl is..." She paused, lost for words. "Different." I tilted my head, and she sighed. "Different? How?" I asked, confused. "We left for your safety. Carl was going through a...change. He didn't want to hurt you, he thought of you the whole ti-". I interrupted her. "OK, Ellie. You're really freaking me out." She gave out another sigh. "Carl's dead."
Part 13 Nothing had made sense before. Me. Carl. James. None of it. Sometimes I wandered why James had said he was dangerous, and now I knew why. Carl wasn't literally dead. But, as far as his friends were concerned, he was. That's why they left. Carl had become something beyond imagination. Something completely indescribable. Yet, somehow, I still irrevocably in love with him. "A fallen angel?" I tilted my head in confusion.
Carl was by my side in an instant. He turned me, and I faced him. I felt his pale-white skin, it wasn't as warm as before, it was cooler. Much cooler. He looked into my green eyes, and I could sense worry in his expression. "Listen, Ella. I left because I can't tear you away from James. He loves you and you love him. Besides, if I did take you away I would die, because James marrying you was the King's prophesy. If I ruined that, then the whole of Coasta-Luna would hate me." He explained. My eyes widened in horror. Was James only marrying me because he had to? I thought.