Male genderDEAD

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by luckyluke, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. I'm so confused
  2. So technically... you are saying that you would much prefer a guy that has no class whatsoever? As what i have read and understood, you like them guys rough with no shave and stuff.
  3. Good morning.
    I said l prefer man, who take more attention to skills than to his immaculate visage.
    Of course debate went to the way if shower or not.
    Stubble isn't trouble. If my woman ask me to dress, l could match shirt with trousers to proper cravat.
    But my life isn't shopping for cavas shoes and matching torn Lonsdale t-shirt. What l'm, that man are turning pu££y. Yea
  4. ^basically saying she wants one with a big 

    ~JJDemon 
  5. Oh, it's a he... I stand corrected.

    ~Deuces 
  6. I guess l wan't a friend, who doesn't go bonkers seeing Louis Vuitton hand bag.

    What they are using to wee and how long/thick/curved is it is not any of my concern. That bothers mostly women.
  7. Op is stupid 
  8. Well his comments are anyway
  9. Women don't like cos they like pu££y men spending on them.
    Men wanna be here are recognising them pu££y ways. Hurts?
    Your main purpose in life aint driving women to shop and pay their bills on credit while listening that if more women was in power there be no wars.
  10. I don't understand anything on this thread, please can you no use text language? Bugs the hell out of me!

    And just to stop this argument...

    We are all stupid! 

  11. Not***.

    Sugar puffs..
  12. If women were in more political power there'd still be wars maybe even more
  13. Luke you fail to realize WOMEN prefer men who arent cavemen why should you a man's preference in men matter?
  14. Just look at the drivers
    -Have you ever drove past a car and it's battered and scratched to he'll and u wonder who's it is and surprise surprise a woman gets out.
    -Always doing the make up while driving
    -Going 5mph down a 30mph road
    -Taking 3-5 attempts to get into a parking space
    All things and more that women do
    Men on the other hand may drive like a dick going 60 but the thing is that they know how to drive u don't see them driving and stopping to check the mirror or parking the car and making it look like the worlds hardest thing no u don't so u tell who is the best drivers
    Hint hint it's defo not the woman
  15. Op, you're dumb.

    Madican, you're a complete moron. My car isn't battered and scratched and I drive the speed limit or 5 over. Guess who has the highest insurance rate, meaning they get into more accidents? Men. It all depends on the person, though. Not just their gender.
  16. And we arrived to driving ..... ....
  17. Then tell me this then y is it I walked past a line of cars and all the women are being idiots checking themselves out in the mirror