Social Experiment

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Faithpearlywhite, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. Please rate how good looking you think you are.

    10 being the MOST and 0 being

    LEAST. The catch is that ...

    You also have to rate how good looking you believe

    your friends think you are. :)

    So come back with 2 scores.

    Starting from me.

    1) your score for yourself

    2) what u think your friends' score for u is

  2. Im a 8 FoSho
    Friends Think I'm Either a 7 or 9
  3. 1) 0

    2) -1
  4. 1) 6-9 

    2) 6-9 

    ~JJDemon 
  5. What if we don't have friends?
  6. 11

  7. Sorry misread thought we were doing rating ourselves on ugliness
  8. 1) 4

    2) 7

    Mehh. 
  9. 1) 4

    2)100 No kidding....their like, OMG dude, blah blah blah