Scammers: Why?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Abusive-Pope-, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. A few weeks ago, there was a kind of trend around PIMD: Scamming. This hated trend, in that particular case made public by Darkmicky, has to have a reason. Why are people scamming others?

    I've decided to examine that phenomenon, and to find possible reasons of why it happens. I am now publicly exposing my results. Have fun... I guess?

    My hypothesis was that the scammers are players, like you and I, who simply want to get some help but don't get the help they request. So I decided to see if the community was helpful when someone asks for something, or if we were instead a greedy and selfish community.

    Test #1
    I went on campus when there was no sign of people I knew. After that, I posted that a particular tutor that I owned needed to be volleyed, and that I wasn't the one keeping for I needed money. I asked in my message to wall me if someone was kind enough to help.

    I wasn't really surprised to see that the only messages I got, when someone took the time to reply, were hate messages. No one trying to help, just 1 player if I was lucky, telling me how much of an idiot and lazy noob I am.

    First test's conclusion
    It is clear to me that it is easier to scam when you want fast money because asking for help will get you nowhere.

    Test #2
    I posted on lcbc's walls that I needed help getting money, and that I'd appreciate if someone could volley my tutors and keep them. Usually, targeting a precise person is most likely to succeed.

    That was a bit better, because even though the LCBC didn't bother to answer my request, they didn't post hate messages on my wall.

    Second test's conclusion
    Even our LCBC, who usually have more money to use, didn't want to share in order to help someone.

    It is clear to me that we are too greedy to help others. We, as a community, are responsible of all this scamming culture. If, when someone asked for help with volleys on campus, we were replying and offering our help, there would be far less scammers. And if you think that investing in others' growth is without benefits, you are most likely wrong. When helping someone, you will grow in their esteem and they will respect and like you. So the person you helped might be there for you when you need them. They might help you with your club, give you money when you need some, support you, and also protect you.

    That's pretty much what I've analyzed with this scamming trend.

    Thanks for reading this thread, sorry for the mistakes, and I hope it will serve you in some way.
  2. I think you're putting a bit too much thought into an easy way to make money. :lol:
  3. Easy way, yes, but it's easier to simply ask for help because you won't have to deal with farming.
  4. Why should lcbc, who have mostly spent their own hard earned cash on the game be expected to buy tutors from anyone and everyone who walls them to give you fast cash? Would you seriously walk up to a rich looking person in the street and say 'please can I have some of your money'?
  5. So there's some tramps on the street begging for cash

    Some are scammers as live in mansions in Surrey

    Some have fallen on hard times.

    Should everyone help a beggar? And we share the risk? Or should they sell big issues and work for their cash.
  6. If I had the cash to help, I would. Now, I don't have the cash, but I have the time, and I gladly spend some time to help my community without other ways to be paid than smiles and good words. I think the respect of someone is worth way more than additional cash.
  7. I scamed a few people as a noob not for much but i had no idea how to make money apart from vollys
  8. I help people so this is false.
  9. Justin, I didn't say everyone was unhelpful. I cannot assume that since I didn't had the opportunity to talk with everyone. A minority of people is helpful though. If you are one of them, I sincerely think that it is a very good and respectable way to be.
  10. Justin - you owe me two hundred bucks
  11. Ahhhh! Too many long words
  12. Ehhh, I still think there are flaws in your theories.

    Question: Was this the account you used while you conducted your experiment?

    Some people are willing to help others but if the were to look at your stats, assuming this is acct you used, people might very well assume you are a scammer. You are worth 11bil and have 0 stats. If you looked as if you were trying to grow your stats I think your results would differ. Plus there are other ways to help other players than simply hand feeding them cash. Teach them how to play the game, how to farm, find their own farms, how to upgrade, send them to the strategy section of forums, etc.

    Too many people lately just expect others to do all the hard work for them People need to learn to put effort in for themselves.
  13. Wayne - I'll give you two hundred bucks and more.

    I just think for you state a conclusion about the community to say we are greedy is absolutely false. I help a lot but stay close to y club mates due to scammers. I've helped countless times and had the person reset on me.

    But I still do it. I could give you a list of at least 50 people like that. This is a very undermined conclusion. To make a more honest conclusion you would have to visit almost all the popular clubs and get to know everyone.

    I know there a TON of greedy people as well so I'm not disagreeing with you either.
  14. I've spent well over 200b since I joined PimD in July 2011 helping people with volleys. I know that's not to a lot to others, but coming from someone who's somewhat selfish, that's a lot.

    Now, I have not received much help in return. The help I receive is mostly from close friends.

    Many of who I helped upgrade end up blocking me or if I ask for a small favor just return hate. So now I only help those who I have a pretty good online relationship with. Whether it's through volleys, helping in a war, being a cow for Pwar and not keeping tax, hiring their tutors, etc.

    So you could say I used to help, but because of all the negativity I received, I hardly ever do that now. Only to good friends. And there aren't many....
  15. Big players help by guiding and giving advices they are not obligated to offer drop volleys Why should we keep your op worthless tut just because you're too lazy to farm and earn on your own ?

    You can't say the community made these scammers scam. Scammers are lazy and rude and that's the fact.

    As for you. Pming people to volley your tut them keep. Out of no where. Honestly. You deserve those hate replies you got.
  16. My friend helped so much. He made his entire club up to 50kcs, the bc people in the club made farms to help clubmates grow. The point was, he didn't HAVE to. He wanted to. Wasn't asked by people to volley (volley/hire requests would get you kicked if you didn't keep normally), he did it to help.

    Zeppy (rename8), you're a legend. Who gives a flying **** what the noobs say. Phant, sweet, rek, sugar, Ana, budgie, kiln, ski and everyone that helped growing farms, again, thank you. You did it for your friends. Even though some of you aren't on here now, you're awesome 
  17. I don't see how it's anyone else's fault but the scammers? That's like me coming up to you on the street saying "I have no money on me at the moment so can you please give me $200? I'll never pay you back but that's ok because I don't need to repay you" if someone scams someone that is on them, and if someone falls for a scammer that sucks but people should think a bit before jumping into a volley with a random person. A lot of people spend their spare time on this game making their money for themselves and if they don't want to just give away their money they shouldn't have to. There are plenty of other ways to make money on this game
  18. your theory is flawed since you tried to do it after darkmicky made a public display of his scamming. had you tried before any of this happened, there would have been less suspicion.

    ppl should have more sense then to offer that kind of help when your acct is older with really low stats. that's a big red flag of a chronic resetter… and any player with good sense avoids players like that.
  19. Yea.. basically sums it up. We're greedy to certain varying extents.
  20. I used this account and a 125Kcs account to do my tests.