Boston Explosion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Immortals-Lois-, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. I'd like to personally take this time to send my regards to anyone and everyone injured or family affected by this event. It is still to early to tell what has gone on exactly but for myself and on behalf of 'Immortals'

    Wish you all the best!
  2. Just seen this on the news  thinking of all involved and their families.
  3. Praying for all those injured and their families. This is just horrible
  4. Prayers to everyone involved and their families.
  5. This is utterly awful. How anyone can do this to other human beings is beyond my comprehension. Sending my regards and prayers.
  6. Lots of  and luck to the families In the explosion.People are screwed up these days
  7. Saw some of the pictures... Nearly threw up.
  8. Very sad. Very very sad. :/

    Best wishes to everyone involved... As well as everyone in the country. Although not directly involved, it does make many of us realize how often we take our safety for granted.
  9. Prayers go out to all of them.
  10. My Prayers and thoughts go out to the poor people in Boston. Stay safe..
  11. my prayers are definitely going out.. this whole incident is devastating! To think I almost was in the area...  I'm sorry for the sick people in the world
  12. I came home seeing that on the news . Terrible. My brother says that it could've been North Korea, but as of now I don't think we have any proof.
  13. This is awful, very sad indeed  My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families 
  14. I wonder if any north koreans play pimd...
  15. Prayers for Boston. 
  16. All my prayers go out to the victims and their families
  17. My prayers and thoughts are with everyone affected. 
  18. It's nice to say "my prayers go out to those people" but it's another thing to ACTUALLY pray. 