Part 8 (Continued) I left Carl and went to stand with my Mother, who was talking to Queen Alexandrina. Her Majesty was wearing the loveliest black silk gown, with high heels exactly like mine. She noticed this, and smiled gently. "You have great fashion sense." She commended, and she gave a tight hug. She wasn't anything like the Queen of England. Alexandrina was younger, about forty-five, yet she looked thirty. "I was just telling your Mother about my news from the doctor," she began. "it seems that I have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, and I won't live to see Autumn." The start of Autumn was in October. It was August. My jaw dropped, and tears filled my emerald eyes.
Part 9 I turned on my heel, and walked towards the row of golden seats. I thought about what James had said to me, that Carl wasn't good for me. I thought about what Carl had said to me, that myself and my mother should leave Coasta-Luna, and never return. I thought about what Alexandrina had said to me, that her Breast Cancer wouldn't allow her to live through Autumn. A tear ran down my overly made-up cheek, and I saw James sit next to me once more. He opened his mouth, and I saw that, by his kind eyes, he was going to comfort me. "Would you like a hug?" He asked me, as if he knew about the three pieces of bad news I had received in one day alone. I nodded my head, and he pulled me into a gentle embrace. He wrapped his muscular arms around me, and I felt his soft lips press against my head. I looked up at him, and, before I could speak even a word, our lips were pressed together for several moments.
Author's Note Hello readers!Starting something awesome for you guys.Next time you comment on the story, use either #TeamJames or #TeamCarl.So, who do you want Ella to fall for?
Part 9 (Continued) I let go of James, and looked over his shoulder, to see Carl, hugging his older sister, Eleanor. Eleanor was my age, she was very pretty, and we had been best friends as children. It was obvious to Carl that I was not going to leave, and in a way, I thought he was fine with that, until the news hit me. Eleanor, You're gone. You, Carl, Noelia. All of you. Gone. I didn't know what my life would be like without you guys. It's like somebody has reached into my chest, and made a huge hole. I live in Coasta-Luna now, and everybody knows not to mention any of your names. I'm waking up every night, screaming, with the same nightmare. The day Carl told me he wasn't good for me. The day James and I kissed, leaving Carl in the shadows. July August September I've done nothing since they left. I have the same dream every night.
Part 10 Carl, Eleanor didn't reply. I wrote emails to everybody in your family. None returned. Living in the palace wasn't as good as I'd thought it would be. Me and Alice have become close friends, and she comforts me whenever I have the dreams. Me and James are together now, he acts weird whenever your name is mentioned. He says you're not good for me. I know he's lying. I didn't want us to end this way. I always knew you'd abandon me, I just never thought of it like this. The dreams get worse every time I think of you. I see you leaving, crying, sometimes I see you killing somebody else. Alice says it's better that you're gone. I disagree. She says that your two families hate each other, purely because I loved you, not James. I know that you will not read this, nor reply. I just had to get the message to you, even if you choose to ignore it.
Part 11 James soon became worried about me. He thought that because I was in love with Carl, that he was wasting his time with me. I loved James, he had been with me throughout this whole thing. Alice told me that Carl would be the person to kill me. She said she could sense it. Life went on, and my social doctor stopped seeing me. The dreams. Gone. The hole in my chest. Healed. I had only one picture of me and Carl, this was the only proof I had that he really existed. Sometimes, life is too good to be true, but you just have to believe it. James had been by my side through thick and thin the last three months. Our relationship began to grow, and we became like best friends. I could now talk to him about Carl, because the hole in my chest had gone. October It was a normal evening, and James decided he'd take me out for a picnic on Luneric Mound, the largest hill in Coasta-Luna. We lay on the grass, brown and orange leaves lay on the ground around our warm bodies. He looked at me, then sat up. I sat up too, then James stood up. His deep blue eyes gleamed like cubic-zirconium, and he opened his mouth. "Ella," he began. "I've grown very fond of you in the past few months, and I hope you feel the same way." "I do." I replied. "Absolutely!" "So, I thought we should show the world what we have." He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a small, white box. "Elouise Amethyst Barnes, will you do me the incredibly honour of becoming Elouise Amethyst Barnes-Cornwell?"
Um... Does anyone else get a Twilightly feel from this? Also, I'm quite confused. This seems to have moved rather quickly. He proposed marriage? Are they...are they legal? Also, where did Carl go? Who's Noelia? Why was the queen so...blasé about having breast cancer?
It's obvious Carl left, I didn't mention where, but because Ella didn't leave, Carl had to. Also, maybe I didn't make it clear, but Noelia is a member of Carl's family. Also, if you would have read it clearly, Ella is nineteen, legal for marriage. I agree, it did move quickly, but that's because there is a lot more to happen yet. If you have anymore questions, wall me, don't post them here.
Part 12 I told James he would have to wait for my answer. Everything was happening so quickly, I couldn't keep up. Alexandrina is now in hospital, her chemotherapy is making her throw up violently. Me and James decided we'd go and visit her. She was in a hospital in the near-by country of Moocha, another under recognised place. We took the royal jet, and I couldn't help but feel a nervous ora about James, after all, his mother was on death's door. He leaned back in his chair, stroking his perfect locks with his tanned hand. I gazed at his beauty. James had become a part of me, even more so than Carl was. I noticed the ring box, open, with eighteen carats of gold staring at me. The flight was a short one; it seemed like forever. We got off the plane, and were whisked away to the hospital by a Mercedes-Benz.