
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iDontLikePeople2, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Goes up to Celia, looking down and smiling- plz let me and...watever his name is...finish our conversation?
  2. Celia; *Laughs again* Sorry.. *Leans in and whispers* I am always on guard.. *Straightens back up and turns* Listen, I will only let you carry on your conversation.. If you take it somewhere else, like I asked in the first place.
  3. Do u happen to kno who I am? ^^
  4. Sam: -Looks at the Queen in pure hatred- You really are nothing but an evil witch
  5. Rosalie: Stands up and approaches Sam. "I dare you to repeat that last sentence."
  6. Celia; *Thinks and looks up and down * No, I don't recognize you? *Raises an eyebrow* Am I meant to?
  7. Arthur
    *Looks up at the castle.*
    Now how do I get inside?
  8. Sam: You know what, you deserve to die!
  9. I am the General of Griffiths deary ^^ -kisses her hand- I am trying to save esme so plz let me continue?
  10. Celia; *Takes her hand back and crosses her arms * You are really trying to negotiate with him!? *Gestures to Roy and raises an eyebrow*
  11. Look Celia I kno wat ur thinking. Yes I have done some terrible things for the queen but me and her views are completely different. I need to speak with esme as soon as possible
  12. Celia; *Lifts her head up slightly with her arms still crossed* As long as I am present when you are speaking to Esme I have no problem.
  13. Rosalie: She speaks softly. "Guards, send this rat face to the tower, she doesn't deserve my presence."
  14. Sam: -Screams- Mistress no! I-i'll do anything you want to repay you
  15. Rosalie: Tuts and shakes her head. "Nobody speaks to me in such a tone and gets away with it. GUARDS!"
  16. Sam: -Lets the guards drag me away-
  17. In order to defeat the queem u will need me and Sam to help
  18. Roy: you need them but you all will need me to kill the queen
  19. Tell u wat roy. If I become king, I will make u general. That not only gives u great fortune, but also great power