
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iDontLikePeople2, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. ((But I didn't mention you, Hawk.))
  2. ()
    Jack: -heads toward his lab-
  3. Arthur
    *Trudges up the path to the castle.*
  4. Jack: -heads down into his lab-
  5. Esme: *Orders a drink for her and Celia, trying to avoid the bartenders gaze so he wouldn't recognise her.*
  6. Roy: aren't you betraying the queen by doing that?
  7. The Queen is envious and cruel. I will always love her but I won't let her murder esme for a reason such as hers
  8. Apollo: -sits outside the castle-
  9. (Could I give someone my role please?)
  10. Sam: -Runsinto the throne room- Yes mistress!?
  11. Arthur
    *Pants and wheezes.*
    Must keep going!
  12. Celia; *Looks back and forth between the two boys* Excuse me! I said please can you take this conversation slash deal.. Somewhere else. You are not needing Esme so there is no need to be here! *Taps her foot impatiently*
  13. Roy: -looks at Celia-wanna die?
  14. Celia; *Turns to Roy and raises her eyebrows* Try me.
  15. Roy: -holds a needle on Celia neck-one of those and your nervous system will be destroyed
  16. we are almost finished. Plz give us a moment? ^^
  17. Celia; *Laughs and steps back from the needle calmly* It's a good thing it's not going in my neck then, isn't it? *Smirks and tilts her head to the side *
  18. Roy: but it could when you least expect