An interesting start to my morning.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by A51-Matt_Misses-Jess_COMEBACK-, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. I'm really not sure what I did
  2. ..... Wow. 
  3. You? Nothing.
  4. 
  5.  I get sooo many of these. And I just cleared 38 people from my block list because of it.
  6.  Omg. I used to get it literally EVERYDAY, before I started unfollowing.
  7. Sorry for the bad editing 
  8. As soon as they start talking sexual, I'm gone. 
  9. I get this everyday.
  10. Who the heck do you guys follow back 
  11. ^^ Following someone with "boob" in their name probably isn't going to result in a clean conversation.
  12. She was in a club I Merced for, thought she was adding me so I could help again sometime . Apparently not 
  13. Well names dnt tell everything about a person

    I got 6 sexy girls in my friends and there fine 
  14. <changes name back from boobarella>

  15. Haha scooter your stats would have to be 20/8