Long Live The Queen!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iDontLikePeople2, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Part 6 (Continued)

    My mother put her hands to her face, on either side of her nose.
    "You look beautiful, darling!" She exclaimed, nearly crying with joy.
    "Thanks." I said, nearly whispering. My expression was once again emotionless. I get that from my Dad.
    "Come on, the carriage is outside." My mother gestured towards the door, then she linked her arm with mine, and we walked out together.

    Mum looked absolutely stunning. She wore a dress suit, pink, with white strapped heals and her beautiful blonde hair in a bun.

    The carriage was golden, and pulled by two white horses, both wearing the most amazing head-dresses. The driver was wearing a top hat and a tail coat, and he nodded his head at us as we got in.
    "Morning ladies." He greeted, then he waved the reins and the horse trotted off.

    The scenery on the way to Luneric City was beautiful. We went mostly on small roads, and the hills were covered in lambs and sheep. I saw two lambs playing with each other, one black lamb, and one white. It reminded me that everybody can be friends, no matter who or what they are.

    We arrived very quickly, and the streets of the large city were filled with people parading and celebrating. Loud music echoed off the buildings, and people were dancing in the roads. Men, women and children applauded as our carriage went past them, and people threw roses and petals through the window.

    After a while, the door was opened by the driver in the tail coat and I stepped out gingerly, into the crowd. My mother followed and we linked arms again. Mr. Seerey came to greet us, and my mother's face went bright red.
    "We're sitting right over there!" Mr. Seerey pointed to a classy looking set of chairs, and a large throne in the middle of all of them. We went and sat down on some golden chairs and waited for Her Majesty's arrival.
  2. Part 6 (Continued)

    As we waited for Queen Alexandrina's arrival, a familiar figure approached my chair. He was tall, and wore jeans, a shirt and a suit jacket. His perfect brown hair fell over his beautiful face.
    "Carl?" I said, now standing up.
    "You guessed it!" He replied, opening his arms. I rushed toward him and hugged him tight. His warm hands on my bare back.
    "You look great!" I exclaimed, as I could see his six-pac through his shirt.
    "Thanks, you do too." He replied.
    He looked over my shoulder at the Royal Family, and glared at Prince James. He was silent for two whole minutes.
    "Carl? You alright?" I asked him, looking at his angry expression. He clenched his fists tight, and glared at James once more.
  3. I like the two new stories you've come up with
  4. Thanks. I don't really write these sorts of things, mostly I do horrors, but I though I'd try some fantasy and romance.
  5. Part 6 (Continued)

    "I'm fine." He snapped out of his little moment and glanced back at me. He pulled me into another tight embrace. "I missed you so much!"
    "I missed you too." I replied. I lead him to the seat next to me. We both sat down, and he stared once more at James, sitting on the other side of me.

    Finally, the drums crashed and the trumpets brayed, and the Royal Carriage went went through the middle of the road, and towards the golden Throne.

    "He's not good for you." I heard a voice whisper in my ear.
    I looked to my right and saw James next to my ear.
    "What?" I asked.
    I was confused. Who was he talking about?
    "That kid next to you. He's not good for you." He gestured his hand towards Carl.
    "Him? He's fine. What's so bad about him?" I asked.
    I felt a sudden rush of rage run through me. My fists clenched and I felt a comforting hand on one of them.
    "If I told you, it'd hurt you."
    I looked at my fist, covered by his soft, gentle hand. I looked back up into his deep, blue eyes. I swallowed, then looked back at Carl, who was too engrossed in the parade.

    My brows flattened, and James let go of my fist. Then, I felt Carl's unbelievably warm hand on top of mine.

    Carl can't be dangerous. I thought.
  6. Part 7

    The Queen got out of her carriage, whilst myself and all those sitting on the row of golden chairs stood up. She started at the other end of the row, and began shaking the hands of those who weren't part of her family.

    She got to my side of the Throne, and shook Carl's hand, and smiled whilst she chatted to him for a minute. Then, she moved onto me. I shook her hand gently, then I curtseyed.
    "Good afternoon, ma'am." I said, in my best tone.
    "Good afternoon to you too. You must be Elouise." She replied, her eyes suddenly gleaming.
    "Yes." I answered, she then moved onto a couple of about seventy-year-old women.

    I gave out a sigh of relief, then looked at the other side of the Throne, towards my mother.
    "Well done." Congratulated James from behind me.
    I turned to face him, then I smiled kindly.
    "Thank you." I replied.
    "I'm James by the way." He said, now looking into the crowd, smiling and waving at the occasional 'commoner'.
    "I'm Ella." I replied.
    "Like I don't know!" He scoffed under his breath, looking away from me.
    "What was that?" I asked, curious.
    He looked back at me, then laughed lightly, shaking his head.

    We watched the rest of The Regal Parade in silence, clapping when the band had finished each song. I spotted some of my old school friends in the audience, and I smiled at them and waved.
  7. Bump awesomeness haha
  8. Part 7 (Continued)

    When the parade was over, a blonde woman in a red dress approached me. She looked like she was about forty, though, she was beautiful.

    "Are you Elouise?" She asked me.
    "Yes, that's me." I replied, my hands shaking.
    "I'm Michelle, Michelle O'Brien. I sent you the letter." She exclaimed.
    Her smile was kind, and I couldn't be rude and ask her how they knew my addresses, so I was polite instead.
    "I noticed on the letter it says Ella Parry. How did you know my father's last name?"
    Michelle froze. She put her hand on my back, and guided me towards Princess Alice.
    "You will be Alice's Royal Dresser." She said.
    Alice turned around and smiled at me.

    She was short, but very cheery, and her chocolate brown hair was cut to her chin, with the ends flicked out. Alice reminded me a lot of a pixie, in the way that she moved.

    She put her hand out, and I took it, shaking it gently.
    "I'm Alice," she said, cheerfully. "I can tell that we're going to be great friends."
    "Yeah." I replied, with my signature trademark expression.

    Behind Alice and Michelle, I noticed the Queen getting back into her carriage, and we couldn't hear anything over the loud chants of 'Long Live The Queen!'
  9. Nice, can't wait for more. ~Alice
  10. Your name is Alice
  11. Haha no I wish it was. I like the character already though
  12. This story is fabulous Brooke! :D BUMP! :)
  13. Part 8

    Carl approached me, Michelle and Alice, he smiled lovingly, his hair framing his beautiful face. He pulled me to one side, and whispered in a soft, gentle tone, which only came out in serious situations.
    "I want you to listen and listen good. You can't stay in Coasta-Luna, neither can your mum. You guys have to leave."
    I widened my eyes.
    "Leave? I can't leave!" I gestured towards Alice and Michelle, Carl nodded his head, as if he knew about the letter.
    He came closer to me, gritted his teeth and spoke in a harsher tone.
    "Leave, Ella. Don't come back."
  14. Omg Carl don't be mean she will retaliate and fall into that other guys arms...... Ask nicely bump
  15. Just read that through from beginning, its awsome!
  16. I Love ItBumpLong Live Brooke