
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by CA_KitKat_, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. Awesome Remeber to capitalize your I's
  2. Chapter 5

    I woke to a light tapping on my closed cubicle and I opened it, to see Ice and I brake into a smile. "Hey Ice." I said cooly.

    "I just got back from class, you wanna come out so we can eat?" He says jokingly, lightly touching my face.

    "I dunno, I'm pretty comfortable."  I say reluctantly with a sleepy smile.

    He picks me up gently and carries me to the living room, I, too tired to think clearly.  He puts me down and went to the kitchen, when he turned away I realize I'm not wearing pants.

    I silently run to the closet, and pulled on a skirt. I take off the shirt I stole from him and and started to go for a white blouse when cool hands slid around my belly from behind, "You're going to be a stealthy assasin one day.  Wear black for me, ok?  I got you a presant.  Then we are going to the dining hall to get you a real meal."

    He had me presuaded, I wear black, as well as some fishnet leggings and polished, though not too much, combat boots, which I really was comfortable in.  I brushed my soft, white hair tame in a vanity I had not noticed before and put it in a tastefully loose bun with a silver clip, loosen out the black streak to cover one of my big, fire-red eyes.   I search the vanity and find vanilla perfume, I put a tiny amount on my neck and wrists.

    Then, I walk out to see him holding a long, thin, black velvet box.  I looked from the box to him and I smiled, and he beemed joyously back at me.  I walked calmly to him and he nods towards the balcony, I change my direction and walked out onto it, him following, the view of the mountains are breathtaking, and I lean on the stone rail.  I looked back at him smiling and he placed the box in front of me.

    I open the box slowly to see that is was a small necklace chain made of soft, silvery ice, attatched  to it was a warm, round flame-like peice of metal, and it was beautiful.  Strangely, it wasn't melting, even though its real ice, yet it isn't freezing at the the touch.

    I looked up at him in wonder,  "A friend helped me make it, it won't melt, the metal it just charmed copper, half will be as warm as your health is strong, the other half is as as warm as the love you feel is present, but it won't burn you.  I want to protect you, any way I can. I promise, I'm never going to hurt you again."

    I hug him happily, "Thank you its beautiful.  Can you help me put it on?"  I pick it up, hand it to him and he put it around my neck, his cold fingers grazed and lingering on my neck softly.

    He  placed his hand on my shoulder and turned me around, "You look beauiful, I-" At that moment his stomach growled, loudly.  He blushed red, "Lets go eat, sorry."

    I took his hand and he led me to the Central dining hall in the beautiful cathedral -like building.
  3. Sorry for getting lacking on posts, their was a horrible accident and I couldn't make myself type about a school. Please post comments on characters, and general criticism, trust me, thats why I'm posting this.
  4. I really like itI just feel like maybe a bit more details would make the story better there's always room for improvement
  5. BUMP i really like this story
  6. Omg I love this story update
  7. Chapter 6

    The dining hall double-doors are huge, mahogany, and heavy, opening one took Ice no effort, but I had tried first and my muscles hurt from the ordeal.  I looked up at him weakly and he smiles, "It'll get better don't worry."

    We walk in, and it wasn't what I was expecting.  There are T.V.'s everywhere, all playing different news stations.  I found that if I focused on any 1 T.V. I could hear it. There were many rows of mahogany tables with mountains of dinner foods on each, they had benches on the long sides, and were parted in a central aisle in the middle of the room, they were parallel to the entry wall.

    Ice's table was towards the oppisite end on the right side of this hall, and had cushioned seating, unlike the rest of the tables.  Ice took my hand and we sat on the right side of the table, in the middle. He smiles crookedly at me, and I smile back happily.

    Then, to no ones surprise, the happy moment was ruined, by Annabelle, the girl from before, and she chimes in, "Icey-pie!  Oh, you sweety, you saved me a seat!"

    "Actually Annabelle, I was saving that spot for Goerge, I figured his companion would help Fire out, where is he and- gosh! I can't remember her name, it started with a J... I'll ask later, until then, can you and Cato stop surrounding us?" As Ice said it I realized there was a really lean, muscular, blonde, blue-eyed guy, Annabelle's companion was sitting next to me.

    "Oh! Gorge can't make it tonight, Mr.S is holding him up for an inacurate knife throw.  Cato can look after her though, even tutor her if she needs it, after all, he's a very reliable companion.  Gorge's companion can't help her with book work, mine can, he's top of the companion class, don't you want your companion trained by the best, so she can have the best?"  I had to hand it to her, it sounded like a good deal.

    Ice looked down to me and I smiled, I had no complaints, I just wanted to be the best I can be for Ice. Ice says, with a kind of German accent I hadn't noticed before, "Fine, we accept your offer until she's caught up and can study by herself."

    Cato smiles down at me, and speaks in a soft, warm bass tone, "You look like you won't have a hard time with physical activity, thats good, but lets test that tomarrow.  Wear some running clothes, meet me out front at sixish, we can do a two-miler, and half way through have a nice breakfast at this little clearing I know, then go back.  Plus, we won't have classes for another 6 hours, so I can take some books, and I can catch you up a bit while we are out there, so you aren't lost in our culture and computer classes, thats the only indoor classes companions get, the rest is athletic.  So, you wanna come?"

    Thinking this was a great opportunity,  "Sure, sounds great!"

    The rest of the dinner flew by nicely, it looked like Annabelle wasn't being a desperate b****, and we all were walking back to the South Wing when it happened.

    "Ahhh!!!"  A gust of wind pushed me foward and I fell on my face.

    Ice rushed to my side kneeling, checking my face for cuts, and Annabelle was behind him, looking at me like she would look at horse droppings on her custom lavander Lucchese cowgirl boots.  I got up with Ice's assistance, "I'm fine, lets go back to our room, I have an early morning tomarrow!"

    We get to our room without further incident and I put on a black sports bra and  black boy shorts, and I began brushing my white hair in the vanity. I watched Ice approach me in the mirror.

    He leans down, his cool face nuzzling my neck, then whispering in my ear, sending chills along my spine, "I don't want you to go with Cato tomarrow, stay with me."

    I thought for a moment, "I'll decide in the morning."

    He places a phone, an iPhone, on the vanity and leaves.  I look through the contacts, they seemed to be every friend Ice has, and their companions.  Including Cato.  Should I stay or go?  Going could get me valuable information about not only my classes, but I could try to get information as to what happened between Annabelle and Ice.  Staying would make Ice happy, and I'd get to see breakfast in the Dining Hall, plus, I might be able to meet this Gorge.

    I went to my soft bed and set my alarm for 5:30, even if I didn't go, I could snuggle up in bed with Ice and go back to sleep.  I fell asleep soon after.
  8. Ok, I am being indecisive, as to staying with Ice or going with Cato, so you readers have 12 hours, to give me your opinions!!! Lurkers, if there are any, I want your vote too! Don't leave me hanging, I need you all! Because I don't know what to do and my correspondents won't tell me, so its up to you, thanks!

    Your Confuzzled KitKat
  9. P.S. Post on my wall if you want we to continue posting on your wall when I update!!!
  10. I like this a lot.
  11. Hmmm it could go either way
  12. Please vote, PLEASE!!!
  13. I vote go just because I want to make ice jelly haha
  14. Fire and ice is a restaurant here and makes some mean burgers
  15. The vote stands:



    6 hours left to vote, then I start writing again!

    Your, Less Confused, Though Still Slightly, KitKat

    I chose Ice and Fire for a reason, which will later be revealed, I did not write this to emulate any people, establishments, or otherwise. Any relation to said objects is completely coincidental.
  16. GO BECAUSE ICE IS A CONTROLLING S***. He doesn't get to control her, she can do what she wants.
  17. I'm such a f***ing feminist.
  18. STAY!!!! ^-^ This story is amazing as it is!!!!

    -And Ice isn't controlling her.... As in the first update you can see he will let her choose what she wants and it has remained that way ever since 
  19. Ok, The votes over and stands



    Thank you for voting, will get it updated as soon as I can, but right now I'm off to church!