
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iDontLikePeople2, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Sam: -Sighs and goes outside thinking of Esme-
  2. Celia; well.. Where is the key?? I can see if I can get it.. We can't risk you. - runs Esme on her arm for reassurance-
  3. Sam: -Reaches into my pocket and brings out the key and then bursts into tears at the foot of a tall oak tree-
  4. Esme: *She chews on her lip.* The Queen.. S-she had what she called a Slave... We were quite close and used to meet in the passage way... I think she has the key still.
  5. Roy: -walks out of the throne room and walks toward Sam-what's wrong girl?
  6. Sam: -Hides the key and looks up at Roy- Why would you care? You tried to kill me -Wipes away my tears-
  7. Roy: I'm a mercenary I should always be cold toward those who hire me
  8. Sam: Yeah well I didn't hire you. She did. -Walks past him and grabs my cloak-
  9. Roy: -laugh-she hire me but the other side can hire me if they can outbid her
  10. Sam: I don't care to be honest. I'm going out so if she needs me she'll just have to deal with it. -Slams the door behind me-
  11. Roy: -looks for proof of where Esme might be at-
  12. Esme: *Looks at Celia.* It might be hard getting in touch with Sam though, as she's at the castle... *Sighs, thinking.*
  13. Roy: -finds a trail leading toward Esme-
  14. Follows after the mercenary, trailing a few yards-
  15. Esme: *Thinking.* We could arrange to meet Sam, but I'm not sure how.
  16. Sam: -Runs into town-
  17. Roy: -stops and picks up a king cobra holding it on his arm-hello Donny-walks into a different path with the snake-
  18. Sam: -Sprints into town and into the pub-