How to save a life

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Cherry1313, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. I shove Flynn away from me.

    "You b*****d." I slap him hard across the face.

    "S***, Car!" He clutches his cheek, bent over slightly.

    "You followed us. You made me think you were Kingston!" Hot tears burn in my eyes and I cover my body with my arms, feeling incredibly self-conscious.

    "It felt amazing though, didn't it? I had to prove to you that I need you!" I can't listen to anymore so I run in a random direction.

    Branches cut into my face and tears mingle with the rain thats begun. I collapse on the floor into a state of whimpers and cries. My eyes squeeze shut and I grip the dirt beneath me. I hear footsteps coming towards me and soon my nose is touching another. Cautiously I open my eyes, it's Kingston. He sits cross legged on the floor, so close but not touching me (except for his nose).

    "You're a really stupid b**** you know." he grins. I wipe a tear away and say nothing, waiting on his follow up. Instead of word he kisses me. It's better than Flynn's kiss. It's different. He isn't searching, it's as if he already knows me, its slow and hard. He pushes me down on to the woodland floor, pinning me with his body. He slides his arms underneath me and holds me tight. It feels perfect. It's a hard kiss, the kind that feels desperate and full of emotion. I like it because it contradicts Kingston's cool, calm persona.

    "So why am I a stupid b****?" I ask between pants.

    "You think you're fat and ugly. Thats a good enough reason." I wonder if for a second I'll ever believe him
    OF COURSE IT WAS FLYNN. DUH. Here is an alrernative:

    It's Voldemort, his sickly skin is desirable and his black cloak hangs sexily on his skinny, gnarled body. He pulls me against him once again and kiss passionately for hours on end. The kiss ignites a fire within me and I wonder why I ever bothered having Harry Potter's children when this was an option.

    Please enjoy. 
  3. 
    Ps:i love the Voldemort part!...its hillarious
  5. Voldemorts got game!!
  6. I KNEW IT.
  7. -dies- voldemort. Voldemort. Oh, volde, volde, volde, VOLDEMORT!
  8. Dumbldore!!! Lol I love the Harry puppets and it was him sooooo.......

    *flips a cow* told you that's what I would do
  9. New light unto Voldemort, in a very creepy pedo way. I rlly like this story, BUMP!!!
  10. Bump
  11. Omg this story is fabulous!!! BUMP BUMP BUMPITY BUMP!!! :D
  12. Bump
  13. I started the next update but I don't think I'll finish it today.
  14. "Can I come home with you?" I whisper.

    "I...I... don't know..." Of course. How stupid am I? He just wanted to kiss me. Thats all...

    "Sorry. That was a dumb question."

    "No it really wasn't," he says, running his hands over my hips, "It's just...Carson, I'm a virgin." My face is utterly shocked.

    "How in the f*** did you do that? I mean... just look at you!" He grins down at me and pulls me up from the ground.

    "Hey, how about you come to my house and we just talk and sleep, huh?" I picture lying on his bed in Kingston's embrace. My response is eager, profuse nodding.

    The rain still hasn't subsided and my clothes are soaked when we get to Kingston's apartment. He opens the door and drags me into a room before pinning me down on a bed and kissing me like before. When he pulls away he's beaming at me.

    "Okay, tell me about you."

    "What do you want to know?"


    "My brother lives in Germany with his boyfriend." The thing Kingston does next is incredible. He doesn't question the 'boyfriend'; he doesn't raise his eyebrows, he doesn't do anything. God, I think he's going to ruin me for other people.


    "My dad died from early Alzheimer's last year."

    "How old was he?"


    "S***. Thats really early Alzheimer's."


    "Mum?" I shrug, signalling I don't want to talk about it. Suddenly, the door slams.

    "Whats that?" he looks at the ground.

    "F***... you need to go."

  15. Kingstons druggie dad comes in with his new dateVoldemortTwist
  16. Sorry I didn't post on walls but I'm knackered
  17. Parents home hehehe
  18. Sorry I haven't updated! Not really very well and I'm not eating much, always tired. I don't want to write an update until I'm in the right frame of mind and actually want to so please bear with me!
  19. take care hun!!get well soon