Sam: -Glares at him- You haven't even thought about my position with the queen have you?! If anything happens to me she won't care! I'm just her slave! thats all I am... Disposable and worthless, and besides, she's going to end up killing me anyway...
Apollo: -then take my first option and run away try to find our people will see if ur good enough to be one of us
Celia; Listen, Esme.. None of us will let you get captured, what so ever.. We will all fight to the end. But we do need to start moving fast. - lowers her voice and crouches down - do you think we are ready?
Sam: -Looks at him confused- Who's...? -Thinks- Oh yeah! I'm Sam! Hey! Sorry... I'm not used to being called anything other than slave
Celia; let's go then.. Do you know where one of the underground tunnels are? - gives her a reassuring smile -