Eh....I decided to make this other story as Well....hehehehe Enjoy! Jar of Hearts ⓟⓡⓞⓛⓞⓖⓤⓔ I lay my head down on my pillow. Feeling its cool, soft material envelope my ears and head. A long sigh escaped my smooth lips as I smiled. Another heart collected. This job is more fun than I thought. Oh! Well Hello there. I didn't notice you...or rather inside but my senses just registered you late. Or erm, I was just to lazy to talk. Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Caspian. Yup, just Caspian, I have no last Name. I know, strange right? Ah, yes, do you want to know what I do for a living? It's quite the peculiar job. But, it's easy to tell you. I collect hearts. And not just any kind of hearts. Not those bloody, veiny, pulsating hearts. Oh no no no. I collect the souls. Yes, I am a playboy. I go around seducing women, collecting their love. I know, people may call me cruel, mean, and cold. But I don't find myself like that. I think I'm doing the victims a favour. I'm taking their love so that they can never love again. Love is a cruel, paining, tiring thing. These women should thank me that I'm ridding them of this so called 'love'. They really should...I work for Death. And Death only.
Jar of Hearts Chapter 1 I get up from my suede whatever black leather couch and walk over to the black dresser. I take a small silver Key out of by chest pocket, my expression cold and stern. I lift my hand, and gently insert the Key in the keyhole. I turn and pull on the handle when I hear the faint click that tells me it's open. I pull out the drawer and pick out an empty Jar amongst all the filled ones. Filled with what? You'll see. ∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽ I neatly coiffe my hair with a fragrant gel and look at myself in the ceiling to floor mirror covering the wall of my bedroom. I smirk at my good looking self and tighten my black and white striped tie. "Looking good Casp as always....time for the next one." I mutter as I grab my wallet, car keys and sunglasses, letting the door slam behind me as the electronic lock beeps, meaning it's locked. I press the button on the elevator for my parking lot and walked out once the doors opened. I press the unlock button on my car keys and open my car door. I sit in the drivers seat for about 5 minutes, thinking about where to go today. ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ I arrive at the Black Jack Club. One of the most high end, luxurious and most expensive in this town. Of course, it's also filled with ladies. Hot ones. As soon as I walk in, two women come up to me and entangle their arms okay mine. I almost choke on their over dosed perfume. I pull away from them and find myself an empty spot in the VIP section. I look around at my surroundings, suddenly spotting the perfect prey. Snowman Who looks in her early twenties, maybe even my Age. Wearing a revealing, elegant dress that shows off all her curves and pros. I smirk to myself and inspect her head to toe, her dress is SYL and her shows seem to be from Miu Miu. 'A rich girl with good taste. Seems good.' I think, ordering two cocktails from the bar and bringing it over, sitting across from the girl, sliding a still over. She looks up at me with smoky made eyes. I'm shocked to see that her eye colour is a bright gold. Going well-being her emerald coloured dress and gold stroppy shoes. "I know what you're trying to do."