How to save a life

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Cherry1313, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. Aghh I don't know but I love this fan girl
  2. Oouuuu ouuu shes hot item now

    btw-can i be included in this famazing story??yes i said FAMAZING

  3. S***.

    "G-go away, Flynn." I stutter quietly.

    "No. You're mine, not his!" He said.

    "What? Since when?" Kingston leans against the bar, he looks...amused. Ugh.

    "Since...," Flynn scratches his head, moving his dirty blonde fringe over his eyes, "Can I talk to you?"

    "Ugh, why do you have to make it sound so cliché?" I ducked under Kingston's arm and hopped off the bar stool. "You can go if you want Kingston." He smirked. Ugh.

    "No I'll plant myself right here." he replied.

    "Fine, don't expect me to come back." I say as Flynn begins dragging me away.

    "You will!" He calls back. Big-headed little s***.

    Flynn pulls me into an embrace when I'm upstairs, in his room. I squeeze him back half as fierce. "Whats this all about, Flynn?"

    "Don't see other guys." he pleads.

    "Pathetic. You sleep with every woman who comes in to your Dads bar. So how dare you expect me to leave other men alone! Just because I'm not as attractive as them doesn't mean I can't get a guy!" He stands, stunned.

    "Not as attractive? What? Car, you're hotter than the frigging sun!"

    "Thats not even funny, Flynn. Not one bit." He touches my forehead gently.

    "Car... you actually believe that."

    "Why else would I be isolated from people at school? Why else would I never be enough for you?"

    "Dammit! It's not that its're...I...jeez I can't explain..." I turned around.

    "Because you know what I'm saying is true." He let out and aggravated sigh.

    "Go." He says. So I do, I trudge downstairs. I'm not even good enough for a man whore. Kingston is still sitting at the bar when I get back, he's talking to a girl. She's beautiful, they always are. They laugh, they smile. I wonder, will I ever get that? Most likely not.

    Running a hand through my hair, I leave the bar and wait for the bus. It's pouring with rain, I can barely see. I shiver and try to lose my tenseness. I feel a warm pair of hands wrap around my waist and I tense, kicking my enemy in the balls. When I turn around it's Kingston. He's holding his crotch and I laugh at the image. Not so up yourself anymore.

    He recovers sooner than expected and wraps his arms around me again. I don't protest. It's nice. I'll tell you a secret; when the bus comes, I'm not there.
  4. Ugh sorry about the tenses those are well and truly f***ed.
  5. Bump...
  6. OMG Idc about your tenses that was fluddle stroddle awesomeness!!!!!Awesome!
  7. Bump!
    Please more! this seriously the best story Ive read on here so far. Other than the few grammar errors, which are hard to catch believe me, the plot is well written and the characters have depth!
    I love it, please update soon! <3
  8. This story is bloody awesome! One of the best definately!!! :) Update ASAP please! BUMP! :D
  9. We're walking in the road, our shoes scratch against it. Kingston has his arm around my waist; I feel warm, I don't think about my dreadful appearance because in this moment, I really don't care. You still can't see the stars, it's the city for crying out loud but it's still a beautiful picture. Even if I'm in it. The streetlights don't glare, they glow. The houses aren't dingy, they're artistic. It's like I'm in a whole new world.

    Kingston slides a hand up my shirt and rests it on my bare stomach, I feel uncomfortable now... he can feel all my fat stomach!

    "Don't." I say, just above a whisper.

    "What?" he questions, his eyebrows furrowing.

    "Just...I'm not...Jeez..." I pull away from his grip and put a few feet between us. Kingston shoves his hands in his pockets.

    "Explain." he says.

    "God, don't make me say this, Kingston."

    "Why? What is the matter?" his face is stroppy and childish.

    "I don't have-"

    "I deserve it though." Silence envelops us for a few awkward, agonising minutes.

    "I don't want you to touch my stomach because I'm fat." Thats when I turn and run.

    I clamber over a cluster of blackberry bushes that rip my clothes in places I'd rather people not see. He's calling after me, I can hear him and his thundering footsteps. I keep going, crying as I go. I'm lost, in a field, disorientated. I spin around and I don't know where I came from. I stumble backwards, into a pair of strong arms. They flip me around and I feel soft skin cover my lips. Kingston coaxes my mouth open, holding me tight. His tongue searches around my mouth for a while and I notice the tongue piercing. It feels exhilarating, like before.

    When he pulls away he's smiling into my eyes, but then I realise. It's not Kingston, it's not Kingston at all...

    WHO IS IT? Reply your answers and enjoy!
  10. Whaaa?????? not Kingston!!! She's in the middle of a feild kissing someone ALONE who's not Kingston!!!!!! 

    If it's that other guy-who-should-not-be-named I will flip a cow!!!!!!!

  12. O.O -mind blown clean the fuck off-
  13. Wa waa waaa wow
  15. I have such an urge to update but....I dunno...