To club Imagine This....

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Minguu, Apr 11, 2013.

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  1. Oh. If you were refering to my post on pg 1, it was an example raven
  2. then on page 1 did you say you posted on campus "volley to 1 bil if you go over you keep"? You must have a bil if you had intentions on keeping???
  3. The fact that an Imagine member can say something like Matt did and the club owner has done nothing but laugh makes the entire club look bad.

    You support your club owner. If your club owner does something idiotic, and you don't say anything, then you are supporting the idiocy. It also goes the other way. Your club owner supports you by allowing you in the club. If you do something idiotic and aren't reprimanded (or at least spoken to) by the club owner, then the club owner is supporting your actions.

    Even if Matt doesn't apologize, or even feel bad about his comments, his club owner should apologize for his member's actions to show that they are not supported, and then the club owner should take action against their member. Just my 2 cents. 
  4. Laughing was uncalled for that I agree with but if grown adults choose to act that way let them, demanding an apology just makes it fake.
  5. I guess I just dont apologise for anyone other then myself  not sure if thats a good or bad thing haha
  6. Well said Epi.

    And if you ask someone to volley a tutor and say "if you go over, I'm not hiring back" that is in no way a scammer. Get the terms right.
    The other person was aware that if he went over he'd keep it. Learn to volley correctly and always stop before the target price.
    Quit throwing the word "scammer" around like nothing.
  7. I know it would be fake and everything but I want to at least see him act humble. Im just upset with the club and the close minded comment on my wall.
  8. Probably a bit of both, Raven. 
  9. I agree Jopo if you go over then the tut is yours simple as that.

    Epi I guess I should never be a club owner then 
  10. OP good luck getting your apology, if you do please wall post me, I feel the need to see it after wasting half the morning in this thread 
  11. Good luck with that apology 

    You have a better chance of getting hit by lightning then getting an apology from Mr Imagine 
  12. I dont need an apology from mr imagine. He hasn't really made a big mistake compared to that jerk.
  13. Matt erased my posts knowing he's made a mistake... It's ironic how he was tellling me that I was a coward for erasing some troll posts on my wall.
  14. i dont really know what was said but Its just a game why do ppl take everything so personal. If u had an issue with him then its with him. If he didn't attack you or farm you why involve the club. Just move on lifes to short to cry over spilled milk.
  15. Nooooooob just ignore the morons and move on. If they wanna trash talk let em. Shouldn't affect you one bit. If you wanna turn it around and get them mad for their own trash talks then just agree to everything or make smartass responses. That really gets em going 
  16. I love how fast raven changed her mind.
  17. It's a game. You're right. So being on a game gives people rights to call each other dirty, nasty things? It gives rights to disrespect the handicap?
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