Cupid's Chocolate Villa

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -ShanaAlanaTheNerd-, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Awwwh so cute! Bump :)
  2. Oh, I'm in love with this story! And here is one of the last two chapters:
    Chapter 19

    I squeak and the noise runs through the whole place. Right, that damn microphone. I stand, throwing Justin off of me, and turn to look at him. I'm about to yell, but I stop short, seeing Justin's outfit. Normally, I'd never say this, but Justin makes his tux look freaking amazing. Wearing a dark blue tie that matches my dress, he might look normal. But with his jacket slung over his shoulder, his shirt not tucked, and his messy hair, I think I'm looking at an angel. And to top it off, he's holding a dozen roses, black and white.

    "Justin," I try to whisper, but it's amplified through the place and I glance at my other who is smiling. "I'm giving up with being quiet. Justin, what are you doing here?"

    "To see you. You wouldn't let me speak and two people helped me and then everyone here participated," Justin grins.

    "Everyone knew?" I ask.

    "Yeah, I hope that's okay. Anyway, this is the only way to talk to you."

    "But I told you I didn't every want to see you again." I hear protests and I glare at everyone. I turn to look at Justin and he's grinning. Why? It's not funny.

    "Have I ever been known to do what you told me?" I sigh and shake my head. "Now, I want you to listen to me. Your mom told me what happened that night when Ryan kisses you. When you told me 'Always' I was afraid and I left. I never wanted to be 'just friends.' When you yelled at me, I was okay with that. I just miss you. Really, really miss you."

    "I...I miss you too. But that doesn't mean that I forgive you for breaking my heart," I frown.

    "I get that." He sighs and his eyes seem dull and blah. He seems so sad.

    "No, you don't. If you knew, you would have let me explain. You would have shut me up when I yelled at you. You would have kissed me anyway. You would have tried to convince me to stay with you if you thought I was going to leave you. There were so many things you could have done for me, but you didn't."

    "Tell me what to do," he says. I frown, thinking.

    "Tell me exactly how you feel right now," I whisper.

    "Jennifer June Wyatt, you were the most brilliant girl I had ever seen. I have always liked you. You are the most beautiful girl ever. You are the best girl I have ever met. You've loved me since the beginning and I want to pay you back.

    "Jenny, you are my everything. I don't want you to be unhappy anymore. I don't want to leave you alone and miserable and without my children. I still want you to be mine, Jennifer. I miss you. I am going to say the three words I never thought I would hear out of my own mouth," he takes and deep breath and holds me close. "Jennifer June Wyatt, I love you." I gasp and place my hand over my mouth and then over my hammering heart. I hear "awes" and I feel Jason nudge me, but I'm hardly paying any attention.

    "And, I, um, I want to give you something," Justin stutters. He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a box. It's big enough for a ring. Oh, God, he's proposing! I'm not ready for this! I'm too young for this! We both are too young for this!

    Justin opens the box and I see a gold ring, big enough to fit my ring finger. But instead of a diamond, it's a blood red rock. A garnet or ruby. It's beautiful.

    "This ring is from my family line. It's not a wedding ring, but it's a sort of promise ring. I'm giving it to you because I am going to promise something to you." Justin takes the ring out of the box and grabs my right hand. "Jenny, I promise I will never leave your side again. I will always try to listen and hear what you have to say before I jump to conclusions. I promise, promise, promise that I will love you as much as I can.

    "Jenny, what do you say?"

    "I'm not sure," I whisper, my heart pounding like crazy. That speech was the most amazing thing I have ever heard. But, I know he promises, but what if he breaks it? I want to love him and say, "Of course," but I'm not so sure. He broke my heart once. Who knows that's going to happen again?

    I love him, that's obvious. Justin was sweet from the beginning. He never questioned my looks. He thought I was unique. He never asked if I was a cutter like most guys did. He wouldn't argue with me. When I had told him about my father's death, he hadn't said he was sorry or that he understood. He just held me and let me cry.

    But then he broke my heart. He hadn't listened to what I had wanted to say. He hadn't ever told me he loved me back until now. Until he thought it was important to let me know. He thinks that he finally letting me know that he loves me is going to make me want him back.

    But I do want him back. I missed everything about him. And now he's here, telling this whole room full of people that he loves me. He told everyone, even me, how he truly felt. He told me I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He told me that he was the one who had told me to stay with him. And I will. No matter what I will.

    I sit down and try to process all of this. It's so much to choose, so much to think about. I would love to take this beautiful boy back. I would love to kiss him on the spot. But what if he's just saying that he loves me just so he can have me and then throw me away again? I can't live with that.

    I stand and look at the boy, and he's waiting intently. "Prove it," I say. He bites his lip and then smiles.

    "Easy," he says and grabs my waist. He pulls me to him and I place my hands on his chest. His muscular chest I have missed hasn't changed a bit. He smiles and his lips come close to mine, causing my heart to race and a small gasp to escape. He smirks and he whispers, "How do you feel?"

    "My heart is racing and you had to of heard my gasp, you dolt," I say with a small grin. He chuckles and his lips crash onto mine. I want to resist but I miss his lips. I kiss him back and I die inside. His lips are the same wonderful lips I've been dying to kiss. We have the tiniest make out session right in front of the crowd, but I really couldn't care less. I need him. When he pulls back, a small whine comes from my lips.

    "That is how I prove it. Now, what do you say, or do I need to prove it again?" he smirks.

    "Just shut up and kiss me, you loveable boyfriend," I smile and my lips crash onto his.

    Best wedding ever.

    "Finally!" I hear, causing me to turn and see Carrie throwing her hands in the air. She runs to me and pushes Justin away. I hear him laugh but I'm the one to protest. She pulls the microphone off my dress and throws it on the table. Carrie hugs me and squeezes the life out of me.

    "Carrie," I whine. "You ruined the moment."

    "I know. But since I helped plan this, I had to hug you," she says as she pulls back.

    "Wait, planned? What chu talking 'bout?" I ask.

    "This is a fake wedding, Jenny June," Jason smiles, standing. "We planned this."

    "You two nut balls planned this?"

    "Not just us," Carrie grins. "Everyone was in on it. I was the one to suggest it. Justin thought it was genius and Jason told his father and Courtney. They told everyone but you."

    "Where was I when you three had this meeting?" I ask angrily.

    "In a coma. It was prudent that I stayed away just to make it work," Justin grins behind me. His arms wrap around my waist and he rests his head on mine.

    "Why didn't anyone even drop hints?"

    "We all did. Courtney and Luke told you the date had been changed. Carrie had told you to listen on our conversation. Jason had helped you out. Everyone, even Marcy and Marcus gave you hints, my naïve Jellybean. I even gave you a hint at the diner. At the dress shop. You, my sweet Jelly-belly, are the most naïve girl I have ever met," Justin says. I roll my eyes and lean into him.

    "I may be naïve, but I was damn smart to find you," I grin.

    "No, I was the smart on. Carrie and Jason helped, of course, but still. You are mine, alright?" he asks.

    "Didn't have to tell me," I grin. He grabs my hand and slips the ring on my finger, kissing it before letting it go. I place my hand over his, which are still around me, and I smile.

    I love this boy.
    BOOM! THEY ARE FLAPPING BACK TOGETHER! ASDFGHJKL! I was so freaking loving this chapter! I told one of you this was going to happen, and I thank you for keeping it a secret. But I loved this so much!

    Again, no quite can explain this.

    ~Shana Alana

    P.S. I am writing an extra chapter after Chapter 20. It will be in Marcy's Point of View. And it will not be how you think.
  3. Oh my gosh! YAY!!!!!
  4. Asdfghjkl all my feels!!
  5. Should the last chapter be posted now, or should it be tomorrow? Let me know.
  6. Hmm now please!! Love this story so much!!! Are you going to write more??
  7. Here is the final chapter of Cupid's Chocolate Villa, Book One Of the Sweet Treats Series.
    Chapter 20

    I smile as Luke and Courtney seal it with a kiss. I look over at Carrie with a smile and she is just staring at Jason. I get that he looks really handsome, but damn girl, there's no reason to ogle at my official step brother. I look into the crowd of people and my eyes land on him.

    Justin is smiling at me and, as all freaking romance movies happen, Courtney and Luke walk off happily. And once everything happens that is supposed to, it's time for the speeches. And I am nervous as hell.

    "And now, Jenny?" Jason says as he sits down, finished with his speech. I nod and stand, swallowing. Hell, if I can make out with Justin in public, I should be able to make this speech.

    "First I want to say, congrats to Courtney and Luke. It's amazing to see you two happy. Especially the woman who is my mother," I say. I take a deep breath and Justin takes my hand, giving it a quick squeeze. "I had always loved being the daughter of a cop and a lawyer. I always felt safe. Then Dad died and I was obviously devastated. When I heard Courtney was remarrying, I was freaked out. I didn't want any more family. Dad was gone and it didn't mean Courtney could remarry in my book.

    "But I realized people need to be happy, no matter who is the one to make them happy. If it's a step brother, then let it be him." I look to Jason and he smiles. "If it's a best friend, let it be your best friend." I smile at Carrie, who is sitting next to Jason. "And if it's a guy who makes you crazy happy and you've fallen in love, let it be the guy that you love." I smile at Justin as I say this. "It doesn't matter what other people think as long as you are happy." I hear people clap and I smile as I sit down.

    "That was amazing," Justin whispers.

    "I had to rewrite it a little," I whisper back. He takes my hand again and gives it a small squeeze.

    The wedding continues and Courtney and Luke cut the cake, smiling like crazy. Justin gets a piece, but I don't want any. It's not chocolate. Carrie walks to me and hugs me, making me break into a smile.

    "That was amazing, Jen! I loved that you mentioned me," she smiles and pulls back.

    "Well, remember when you were dating Ryan? Well, I remember thinking something as he was kissing me. He told me you were a pawn, so I thought I would break his face. You're practically the sister that I never had. That was my age, of course, so yeah, I had to mention you," I grin.

    "You really did break his face then," she smirks and we laugh. Sure, Ryan is dead, but yeah, deserved it.

    "What's so funny, lovely sister and girl who is her friend?" Jason asks as he walks up with cake.

    "Nothing," Carrie and I say in unison. We grin at each other and she congratulates me on the speech as she walks away with Jason to get cake. I smile as she walks away and when I turn, my face is stuffed with cake.

    "Thank God, you made her eat the cake!" Courtney smiles. I wipe cake out of my face and swallow the cake in my mouth.

    "Justin!" I whine and he smiles.

    "You needed cake," he smiles and kisses me. He kisses my cheeks and I feel like he's licked them. "You had cake on your face."

    "And you licked it off?" I ask, shocked. He smiles and nods. He kisses my lips again and his tongue traces my lips.

    "You taste like cake," he smiles when he pulls back.

    "Will you stop? There are kids here," I say, a blush on my cheeks.

    "Fine. Let's go dance," he says and drags me with him. Luke and Courtney are dancing along with family and friends. Justin pulls me into his arms and we dance. It's a simple, traditional dance. Soon, my head is on his chest and I'm listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

    "Jelly?" I hear him say.

    "Hmm?" I reply, my eyes closed. His heartbeat becomes faster. He's either nervous or excited or nervous.

    "Did you really mean it when you said you'd always stay with me?" he asks and I look up at him.

    "Why would I lie? It my favorite part in Catching Fire. Well, that and the make out scene on the beach, but still."

    "Well, I broke your heart. I never thought that you would still love me."

    "I will always love you. And, yes, I will always stay with you," I smile.

    "Marry me, then?" he asks and I laugh, taking it as a joke.

    "In the future, yes. Right now, we're a little young and I don't think we're ready."

    "Good answer. Now, let's go relax. Dancing is hurting my feet."


    Life is wild. It can be great, adding a disaster here and there. But not all people have a good life. My family has taken a few hard hits, including a brush with Death. But even with Death taking an important family member, we've coped.

    Love is also wild. You never know what will happen. Your love might die, but he might be someone who seems like the one. Your love may come when you least expect it. But love is full of mysteries.

    Justin Gateley was someone I had just stumbled upon, just like Luke was to Courtney. Justin makes a great boyfriend and hopefully father, godfather, and husband. Justin is perfect, since that is the only way I can describe him. And all I need to be perfect is him and hopefully his children.

    Love is mysterious and magical. And the magic is in the mystery.

    I suggest, as Jennifer June Wyatt, daughter of Courtney and James Wyatt, sister to Marcus and Marcy Wyatt, and love to Justin Gateley, you investigate your very own mystery.
    That was the end of this story! An extra chapter will be coming up later, probably tomorrow and probably short.

    And to answer your question, yes, I'm defiantly writing more. There's Ice Cream Delights, Marcy's story, Guardian of a Teenage Snob, a fantasy I've come up with, and in the future, Bakery Goodness, the third book in STS and Josh's story. Not sure if that's a good name for it though. Still, I have many plans to keep writing for you guys.

    And, I've used this quote once, but it fits:

    "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." - Dr. Seuss

    And I will be writing and posting the new stories later.

    ~Shana Alana

    P.S. I'll post the extra chapter tomorrow.
  8. Yay! Amazing story simply amazing
  9. And, here's the extra chapter!
    Extra Chapter

    I fidget with my dress, frowning. I've had to go to three freaking weddings already. One was faked and I was eight. And I've been to my step brother's and now my sister's. So why, oh why, did my sister make me her bridesmaid? It's not like I hate it that I'm at her wedding. I honestly think it's about damn time. She's been constantly saying that she's too young to marry. Jenny has already been to college and is twenty-four. I think it's good to say Justin finally talked her into it.

    I watch my sister walk down the aisle, Luke at her side. Jenny looks breath taking. Instead of a traditional white wedding gown, she chose a black gown. And it looks great on her. Justin, standing at the altar, is staring at Jenny dreamily, just like my best friend Roxy is to my brother. Marcus looks miserable like I do. I hate wearing dresses. Way too girly for me.

    When Jenny reaches the altar, she's just grinning like an idiot and looks dazed. She is so in love, it's kind of sick. Jenny and Justin just stare at each other and probably aren't paying any attention to the words being said. Only when they are asked if "they do" do they even snap out of the trance they are in. When they kiss, I can't help but smile. Finally, she's married. I can't wait to be an aunt.

    After Marcus makes his best man speech, everyone is free to party. I sit at a table with Roxy and Marcus, listening to them talk. Finally, they get up and dance. And I am left alone to pick at the cloth on the table. After a while, I look up and see the guitarist playing. I wish I was up there, playing for the crowd. But this dress is not good for rocking out on stage.

    "Hey, Marce, what's up?" I hear and I turn my attention to the speaker and see Nick.

    "Hey, Nick. Just chilling," I reply with a grin.

    "It's Wolf, remember?" Nick scolds and I giggle.

    "Fine, Wolf. What are you up to? Where's Liam?"

    "He's trying to get the drummer to let him pump out a few beats. I'm just chilling, too. I see Rox and Marcus are having a blast," he says as he plops in the chair beside me.

    "Seems like it," I shrug and lean forward in my chair, resting my arms on the table.

    "You don't seem to be having much fun," Wolf says, causing me to shrug.

    "I don't hate the fact that Jenny is finally married to Justin. I mean, they've been in love since they met. And that's great, but honestly, I don't understand the big deal of weddings. I mean, why make people attend and make them get all fancied up just a wedding. It as good as a piece of paper."

    "Weddings are meant to be special," Wolf shrugs. "That's just what everyone expects."

    "I'm never getting married."
    And now, you should wait for Ice Cream Delights. It'll come up sometime this week.