Mrs Krimm - my head is on my neck?? Unless you thinking mean that I have to get my "head" burrowed many times? Only six times with the different women's, one time in back of nova hatchback
Mr Bruce This funny story from Latvia, I share. You have the Mr Big Smalls? Yes? His the song talk of the lady must offer herself to Mr Big if she watch the tv in his Lexus. We not have the Lexus in Riga, but we have Opel, but we import the Vauxhall Nova from the UK. I think this like your GM. So we say to the ladies in Riga they can watch the TV in the Lexus after disco no problems. But when they get to Lexus, it not Lexus!!! This Nova for drive on wrong side of road, and we not have the TV! This I think like your Free Candy van. But maybe he have the TV and the sweeties? Many times this not work. But one time with the fats girls it was great success.