Royal Treatment

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Jihi, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. Prince Van! Ian already has someone.. 
  2. Prince ian , i want to to know why hes with princess ophelia or whatecer her name is. Qnd her being a reporter shes bound to find out lol
  3. Wahh~ Prince Siegfried is being shy~ How cute~ 

    *ahem* I choose Prince Ian. I want to know what are his true intentions~ Sorry Prince Van~ 

    Even though I want to choose you...  -sniff sniff-
  4. Prince Ian though I'm team Van......

    Agh maybe then Van.....

    Wait no Ian's been stood up so many times it stinks.....so prince Ian

    Buuuuuttttttt he has Ophelia......so prince Van

    Noooo Im sticking with my choice Ian




    PRINCE IAN!!!!!! That's my choice..........

    Aghhh sending before I change my mind
  5. 
  6. ... I actually want Van for this one . 
  7. Thankyouhh
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  14. *hides behinds Van*.teehee!Bump!
  15. Hurry up and update.

    Pretty please???? 
  16. 
  17. I've been on lurk mode with this story for a bit. Time for me to come out of the shadows.
    I chose Van, because Ian is already engaged and I haven't seen and Van action in a while. :3