High School (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by __-Pixiex-__, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Helllooooo...

    So now I have your attention. I would like to address a re-accruing problem with RP's...
    (Awh, look at me being all poshhhh)

    So if your write stories you don't necessarily have to read this..


    There are a lot of RP's around that are basically un-original and have been done many times before.

    Now, I'm not aiming this at anyone in specific but a 'High School' RP has been done just about a million times before.. If you put a big twist on it then in a way it is your own idea but if you just say.
    "Your all in a high school and there are different groups of people ..etc.."
    Then it's boring and boring....

    Here are some examples of RP's which I think have been done to many times;
    •High School
    •Supernatural High School
    Now I am sure there is many more and maybe some of you won't agree on them with me but it is my opinion..

    Another thing I have been noticing is people not really caring about a plot and just doing a rubbish skeleton aswell.

    Basically don't do this;

    "So this is an RP and you are in an Academy and you have powers....


    Power; "

    That is not enough, really.. Is it?

    Anyway. That's my little rant over, if you have anything else to add on or even if you disagree..

    And please don't tell me that this is in the wrong part of FF because this is for RPers not for Fan Fic's...

  2. Haha..
    Who wanted to kill me as soon as they saw is thread?
  3. 