So I got really depressed and wrote this. If you're easily triggered please do not read. Hope you enjoy <3 People seem to assume I bleed because I'm sad, but its not sorrow that draws me to the blade, the glass, the knife. Its anger. An icy rage that over comes me, empowers me to press down and slide, gracefully, neatly across my skin. A force beyond explanation, an urge, a craving to improve myself through the art of creating more flaws. An insane thought, to damage something to create an idea of perfection. I'm angry at myself for being so unsatisfactory, almost as if the less there is of me the more complete I feel, to add to my body mass would be to take away from happiness. This is sick I know, but as I gaze in the mirror and hate what I see, its as if the reflection itself is a blade. It cuts into me deeply, hurts me more than anything that draws blood, inside I am bleeding, I'm burning, drowning all because of two words and one image mangled and distorted in the core of my mind. But I mustn't, I won't I shan't for beauty is in the eye of the beholder, he must see something in his searching glance, in his unnerving scrutiny of me. He must find what I cannot see on the surface and beneath the material layer, why else would he love me, why else indeed.
Wow....this is indeed very deep...yet enlightening.I hope tho that life will get better,for you and everyone else are all beautiful in individual ways
This is breath taking. A graphic and detailed shot about depression, the hurt and the anger inside the person, the broken bits and pieces left from abuse and neglect. I love it. ;u;
Very good, I loved it! I hope things turn better for you in the future for I'm sure you are a wonderful person with so much to live for. Writing being one of them you have great talent.
A very emotional piece. The only thing I would suggest is using paragraphs. Easier on the eyes. Oh, and know your 'its' from your 'it's'.
Thank you, I do it's just when I'm typing quickly or if it just blurts out I don't bother correcting it. Sometimes I think it reflects how I feel.. Idk. Thanks for reading you guys! Ill upload more writing in a second <3
Woah.... That is all I can say. That's the deepest thing I've read in a while. Like "dug a whole through the Earth to get to China" deep. You should definitely write more.
I feel your pain! This world can often be an unnecessarily cruel place... Unfortunately I could nvr cut myself! I wld rather cut others who deserve it lol FTW is my motto