"Butterflies" Sign Up Sheet

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Chewbacca (01), May 1, 2011.

  1. Hill

    I stated ur name did u faint
  2. Name: Lillie
    Appearance: Dark brown hair, brown eyes and is mixed race [ African and English ]
    Wears: A white crop top with black skinny jeans and a pair of white air forces. Oh yeah and black geeky glasse.
    Personality: Different... Loud, open, friendly and caring.
    Powers: Telekinetic, temporal manipulation, regeneration and mind reading.
  3. Name: Quinn lol
    Erm bio: small town person a bit closed off but really open to friends came to college in hopes of becoming something more
    Appearance: long brown hair, brown eyes,average height,
    Personality: over protective, strong willed, dedicated, stubborn, impulsive
  4. Oh and
    Clothing: blue hoodie, black t-shirt, jeans, running shoes, and black glasses
  5. Name: Epic (3)
    Description: dresses in black, has jet black hair that's fairly long but not too long, bright blue eyes, a scar that runs down the entire right-hand side of my face, calm, confident, trustworthy and reliable friend.

    If we can have powers, I want fire 
  6. When u starting to write
  7. Name: Otto Malpense

    Description: white hair, blue green eyes, black leather jacket, jeans.

    Personality:funny at times, mood swings: can laugh one second, kill
    Someone the next

    Powers: darkness manipulation, can turn invisible at will, extremely fast
  8. Name: Liam Carey.
    Age: 15.
    Gender: Male.
    Appearance: Measures at about 5'11", and weighs around 10 stone. Has a stocky build, and quite muscular arms and legs. Has short, scruffy black hair and serious dark brown eyes roofed by sharp black eyebrows. His mouth is usually pulled into a cocky smirk, and his jawline is quite rounded.
    Personality: Despite his quite threatening appearance, Liam is actually laid back. He enjoys having a laugh, and is extremely easy to get along with. He is quick to love, but also easy to hate. He is sometimes quiet, and he is good at giving advice. Once a month he will have problems with depression, though.
    Brief History: Since the age of seven he has been made fun of by bullies due to his sexuality. He generally ignores the insults. Most of his frienda have moved away to different countries, or unfortunately died. Liam was left alone for a long time when his parents died, left to fight for himself. He hasn't let anythin' get him down yet, however, and continues fighting the world as it's all he has left to do.
    Powers: Telepathy and cryokinesis. (Cryokinesis is control of cold.)
  9. Powers:shapeshifing and telepathy
  10. Chewy I bumped my elements thread in case u needed it/ for people that want to describe themselves with powers
  11. Name: Vivi, age 15

    Description: 5ft, skinny, blue eyes, brown straight hair, fair skin

    Personality: very talented, smart, weird, crazy, wild, very patient, and sporty

    Bio: Mom died when she was 3, dad is in the Navy, has a brother, Dan, and she is famous for her piano skills.
  12. Hello I'm Dan! LMAO jkjk
  13. Name: Ninz Sizzle

    Nickname: Ninzy

    Appearance: Is human, medium length blonde hair with black underneath. Has green eyes that turn grey when the sun is at the right angle. Slender, normally wears tight things (ex. Skinny jeans, tight shirts, Lu Lu lemon pants, tight short shorts) The very definition of an average teenager. Is unaware of any supernatural things going on.

    Personality: Cheerful, sort of vulnerable, starts caring for people really easily (which results in getting hurt) and sometimes completely oblivious. Extremely loyal with friends, but still easygoing, and always joking around. Doesn't want to accept the fact anything strange is going on.

    Powers: None. Dances, and figure skates, which means she's very flexible.
  14. Name: Kevin

    Brown Hair, light Brown Eyes, Athletic , 5'9, Loyal, Friendly, Kind.

    Hates: Jack***es , Egosentrics , and the people that think they are above everyone else.
  15. I'm pwndy
    5'0" and 13
    I do what I want
  16. Name : Lily Surname : Black
    Age : 15
    Date of birth : 3 June 1995
    Height : 1m68
    Appearance : light chestnut coloured thick hair up to middle of back, Brownish gold eyes, tanned White skin, average girl, a bit muscular, no too fat (abt 57 kg)
    Style : skinny blue washed jeans with tees and sweatshirts, converse, NOT TOMBOY
    Personnality : very energetic, smiley and happy, fun to be around, likes crowds, but gets quiet and a bit sad when alone, smart (good grades), no particular crew at high school, hangs out with everyone.
    Social status: no boyfriend, would like to have one but not desperate.
    Family status : only child
    Super powers : is a werewolf.
    Flaws : gets competitive, gets angry violent easily, Likes to get things done so is bossy when working in groups.
    Activities : piano player, hip hop dancer, track team at high school.
    Hope you like it! You can change some of it if you want.
  17. I want laser eyes AND wings
  18. So did everyone that wanted to be in it sign up already? If so, I'll see if I can start sooner.
  19. Chewbacca, if you do put me in the story, please help me think up a superpower.  Thanks.