Prologue.. Autism Ever since I was 3, that's what came out of my mouth. "Daddy, I can't read." And he would just respond,"Le's just read it in lil' bits, mmkay?" Like it ever helped. Even from then I said it. Age seven, in school, with schoolwork and homework. "Uh, Miss Mellestrange.." "Yes, miss Zahhak?" "I can't really.. Read this all well.." I would say, my black hair hanging in his ponytail and my black, squared looking glasses. My hands were still very small. But I was doing better. But later on.. Age 11, I was finally in fifth grade. Finally. But nothing got better.. I began to flunk, but nope, it got freaking worse. I began to get made fun of, for my disability to read, and write correctly, and when I perspired when I got nervous. I got made fun of for everything. Finally, age 12, sixth grade. Last year, my beginning of hell. I remember having to switch my extra periods because I would do something wrong. Explorations, broke the freaking pencil. Band, broke the flute I was assigned to. Choir, I couldn't sing. I was able to play in orchestra as first chair cello. That made me happy. My teachers weren't the greatest, but I guess it serves well some of them cared. I was on good terms with my teachers, ohoho, but my gym teacher. She made stuff change big time. She saw what I was worth. I became student of the month in her class, and now I'm a student aid--or I was. But I guess enough about my past, yeah? Time to fast forward to the year it is now. February, 2013. Henderson, Nevada. Manning Middle School. End of Act One, Act One. --------- D --> Holy fuck I'm sorry if this sucks I just needed to write or I would've exploded D --> I'm back to writing bitches *cackles* Godammit this is going to suck -Zahhak
Act One, Act Two. Present Time ==> Equia: Write in your diary. Now I'm thirteen, miss Equia Zahhak. Really awkward to everyone I meet. Everyone. I'm just.. A loser now. I can barely read and now I'm failing English. A seventh grade loser just trying to help people I guess. But it's really difficult to do my job when no one wants to accept. Except for maybe one person. His name is Neil Leijon. But I guess he could be pretending to actually care that I dare protect him. Not like I'd be surprised. But in all doubt I hardly think he cares, or knows about my issues. But back to now what we're doing. Now we're in English. I'll write later. -Equia ==> Equia: Turn back to literary partner. Her partner is Felixe Leijon, a fanboy in which to call. Very eccentric boy, who loves to draw, ship his friends--not to mention, watch those ships sail finely--and be good at school. And have several fandoms. "Equia, your turrrrn to rrread!" Felixe chirped, gesturing to the next paragraph of the page. Her eyebrows scrunched with a nervous tint, and she adjusted her already broken, midnight black glasses. Felixe watched her intently, sighing with little annoyance. "The fourth paragraph is the one we're starting on, Eq." "A-ah," Equia stammered, still afraid. "Sorry." It's maybe 5 weeks into school, and Equia already believes she's screwed beyond no returned. "M-Mabel...conjeaned?" Equia asked, wanting to confirm if what she was reading was correct, in which it wasn't. "Uh, no, but.." Felixe stopped. He had been sitting next to Equia since school started and noticed she had an issue. "Equia?" She looked up from the book, her blue eyes barely visible from behind those big glasses, those glass tears barely escaping. "Yes Felixe?" "...What's your problem?" She seemed shocked at the question escaping from that cat like mouth of his, those glass finally falling. "M-my issue isn't of concern, Felixe. I just can't read right now, I have something blocking my vision." She responded quickly, all the words pushing out her pursed lips and crooked teeth like an alligator. Felixe raised his hand and Equia paled. "Felixe, what are you doing?" "Having you go to the nurse, silly!" "No, no I'm fine. I don't believe the needing of a school medical orderly is needed." Equia said in a breath, lowering her voice. "We only have one paragraph left. Do you want me to just read it?" "Yes please, mister Leijon." The black haired girl answered, her breathing uneven as she let those tears fall down her face as she listened to him read. She was overcome by anger that she couldn't read, and that she had to lie to avoid bringing back pain from previous years. Silent sobs shook her body as she took her ponytail out, and let her hair cover the sides of her face. Felixe glanced over at her, and made a few mental decisions. Felixe stayed on Equia's tail as she walked to history after the bell rang, cluttering her with questions. "Equia? Hey, Equia!" She hugged her binders close, hearing one snap and she groaned with slight rage. "Hey Zahhak! C'mon! Lemme talk to youuuuuu!" "What is it, Felixe?" she finally responded, glancing at the being as she walked in the courtyard. "You were lying, weren'tcha? I can tell when people lie to me!" Equia wanted to freeze in her tracks, but she couldn't. She felt a lump in her throat, and tears swell in those deep blue eyes. She stopped speaking, like her vocal cords were knotted. "Eq? Hey, I.." Equia's mouthed managed to say a word, and only this word would help Felixe understand. "Lunch." And then, off she went to history, and Felixe just stood there. -------- //gets shot D --> Felixe's name inspired by Tumblr and male Nep pics D --> I'm sorry I suck at writing
Act One, Act Three. ==> Felixe: Watch Equia disappear into the portables and go to a different history class. Felixe was pretty much blank, watching Equia. His eyes followed her up the metal stairs and watched her go. He walked to his own history class, thinking about what was the issue. He was curious, unsure of what was her issue. "She can't read.." He mumbled, walking up the stairs. His ruffled black hair got in his eyes, his green eyes danced around the room, wanting to draw as he sat in class. He sat down in his desk, taking a piece of red paper out of his binder and taking his colored pencils and just decided to draw. His hands wandered, filling the page with beautiful shapes, and finally finished. Felixe never really knew what he drew, so he let his hand wander all the time, and he was surprised with what he found on the paper. It was him, Equia, and a diamond in the middle. Felixe tilted his head, looking at his picture. He was impressed with his skills, but was confused about why he drew it. He shrugged it off. ==> Reader: See what Equia happens to be up to. To Equia, she really couldn't stand class. She was getting constant migraines while trying to read, and eventually broke her other binder. She sighed, breaking her pencil and scowls to herself. "If you didn't finish the worksheet, it must be completed tonight as homework," said Mrs.Parises, the history teacher to the whole class. Equia mumbled under her breath about the assignment, and the teacher turned her head to Equia. "Excuse me, Equia?" "I-I didn't say anything.." "I'm sure you did, what was it? I'm sure the whole class would love to hear what you said." "I-I said it'd take a while for me to get this assignment done.." "Why so? Is there an issue? Is it too difficult for you, Zahhak?" Mrs.Parises questioned, one after another. People snickered around her, and Equia's face darkened, and she nervously perspired, her glasses slipping a bit of her face. She glanced to the sides of her, rubbing her neck. "N-no, I was just going to say I-I have activities to do later.." Mrs.Parises nodded, making a small confirming noise and went back to talking. Equia watched the clock tick, and the bell rang. RING!!! She stood up abruptly, quickly leaving the desk and walking out the door. She sobbed quietly, walking to class and wiping her eyes, and she could just hear words ringing in her head from her dad. "Equia, promise you will always be strong. No matter what. When I leave, you will have to be strong. You know you will have to be strong, always." She nodded to herself, as if Aurthor was actually with her, talking to her, comforting her. Felixe was just a tad ahead, and she tried to get herself cleaned up. Strong Equia, you are strong. You don't need other people to help you. Her deep blue eyes watched the ground as she walked, stepping around people, loud obnoxious eighth graders and their endless swears. She never liked swearing, and hated it. Her father never cursed, and cringes at the hearing of it. The sixth graders were worse, they cursed and talked about the most horrible things, things that Miss Zahhak refrained from ever wanting to know. She sighed, wiping her eyes, and stepping into science class. Her hair blocked her view, and she tripped. She saw a pair of blue shoes step in front of her, and she looked up with a face filled with horror stained on her face. It was only Felixe. Felixe kneeled down, helping her up and smiled. Equia nodded, and spoke quietly and fast,"Thank you mister Leijon, I appreciate it." "No problem, Equia. And just call me Felixe." He responded, grabbing his science binder from the shelf. She grabbed her own, returning to her seat. "Happy Friday kiddos! We have notes and then a fire lab, so let's get started!" Equia sighed, looking up at the board, copying the homework into a notebook and turned her chair. "Hey, chick." Her head turned to the side, looking at the kid talking to her. "I have a name." She responded. "Zahhak, whatever. I want to ask you something." The kid was one of those containing stereotypes, you know, those 'stupid' popular girls that are cheerleaders or are just popular. Equia knew they weren't stupid, they were about as dumb as a fox. "Y-yes?" "What's up with you and that kid?" She asked, pointing at Leijon. "Ah, nothing. We're just friends." The girl giggled, making quotations while speaking,"Yeah. Friends all right." "There isn't anything between us, and I believe that concludes our conversation." "Excuse me girls, I need you two quiet so we can do the notes." The teacher piped in, gesturing to the notes on the overhead. Equia wrote quickly on a note and passed it to Felixe, lacking patience for the situation she was in. Again, I need to talk to you at lunch. We have an issue we must discuss. Thank you. -Zahhak Felixe read it in confusion, blinking and shoving it in his olive green binder. ==> Reader: Pretend the science class goes by and it's time for lunch. ---------- //screams D --> Okay if you're a lurking reader just reading it and you're like "oh it's another one of those stories where the girl gets beat up and boy sticks up for her and they get into a relationship FUCK NO IT'S NOT LIKE THAT D --> This story has a much deeper meaning in it, and Godammit you need an open mind if that's what you thought I was going to write Fuck that shit