Adopt me

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by That_Witch_BunBun, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. Adoptions are closed I have a mommy and daddy they know who they are nerdy and whale dude sry I found a couple but I still love u both
  2. And 'twas once a whale who went to the adoption a poor man but came out a father!
  3. 
  4. I will adopt any one. My bf and i just had a yoolund girl named Daniele Greene
  5. I will adopt any one. My bf and i just had a yoolund girl named Daniele Greene
  6. How did i miss this? anya i would've adopted you, but then my hoe would also be my grandson, which wouldn't work
  7. u hav a confusing family tree. Best of wishes to ur family :)
  8. Well I missed the adoption--
    I was going to gave you Ice cream and my pet named OctoBear.
  9. Cook? Does this mean you will make me any type off food?

    This is the best offer everrr
  10. Omg who bumped my adoption threadand did I hear octo bear