I think that PIMD mod should Cool it down alittle on the silencing, The reason why I think this is Because the mod silence people for no reason very often... All someone has to post is... 1.I need a pimd club mate 2.I live in NYC 3.follow me These are some resons above that I seen the mods silencing people for If I were to be a mod on here none of this Nonsense would be going on, most people need to understand that the mods are way to strict, I was silenced for saying I was going to FARM someone
I'm quite sure you can be silenced for stating the city you live in. I can't, unfortunately, find the place where it says it.
Stating a city in which you live or are seeking people is a violation. Also, please remember that if someone says "I need a pimd club mate" and "follow me" as you suggested... these are NOT something we silence for. However, we do look at statuses and walls posts as well. So just because someone posts "I need a pimd club mate" or "follow me" doesn't mean that that is what they are silenced whatsoever. If you feel the need to speak with support about concerns you have please feel free to do so by emailing them at support@athinkingape.com
I thought you could say that you lived in a state/country just not the town. I read the relaxed silencing rules.
I support ur thread ....not all mods but some mods silence for their personnel issues ,for telling truth about them and for fun to hide their guiltsAnd I know too that I will be forum band for this reply caus.....as usual m telling truth about mods character