victim 10

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by X____DM____X, Mar 27, 2013.

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  1. Not so cool anymore now that your friends are being messed with, Huh?

    basically calling everyone Who falls for it stupid and whatnot. I see it as trying to help out a fellow player. So.
  2. Awww bless you diva it shows you some people dont take this game so serious
  3. Victim 20 prince-andres
  4. Cough no life cough.
  5. Yeah with a tut that was worth it dumbass
  6. Reset it it's pocket change
  7. Waaa.. NEW farm for newbies?? Awesome.
  8. exactly why im not tripping lol i woulda spent that on gifts anyway lol im always looking for tuts wall me ppl lol
  9.  I think it's funny she fell for it. She's laughing I pm with me about it so better luck next time marina. And you scammed boxer?
  10. I spoke to diva no hard feelings i sent her diva chocs!!!!!
  11. Diva is a fellow trouble maker as well.  
  12. I wanna volley Dark...I got 3 mil and some change
  13. Victim 21 mbbchick5
  14. You are a sad, sad little man.
  15. Are gainning anything by annoying all players on here just curious
  16. You me friend, are an ass… just because you think you got away with what you are doing now doesn't mean your idiotic plan is working. "What goes around comes around" Your day will come when all your "victims" take everythimg you havr… GOODLUCK TO EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN SCAMMED BY THIS DOUCHE HOPE.YOU GET YOUR REVENGE SOON 
  17. *yawn* I'm bored now. Can this thread die already?

    (I know I'm bumping—shh.)
  18. He has a friend or alt helping IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII cant wait for karma to.get em lol
  19. Victim 22 fsgfdgff

    Allie txstar84 100m to 1.9b
  20. Kaw term there. So he must play kaw  I think... Maybe..
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