Gnomey I support this message I agree with u 100% I personally am not lesbian but I believe everyone has the right to make there own decision on who to love and marry. Religion has absolutely nothing to do with marriage. You go girl.
and hundreds of thousands of men around the world would disagree with you. Men can love men. Women can love women and have been doing it for centuries.
Thank you for the love. and for the people who disagree and who still have respect. Everyone else can go suck an egg.
I support gay marriage 100%. I'm am not gay. But I will match along my gay friends and family in the gay parade and support them 100%. Plus I am also a Christian but I was raised not to judge other people that's Gods job not mine.
Well.... Men were made for women. That's why men have penises and women have vaginas. They fit. Two penises going at one another cant reproduce. Y'know? And then religion. I'm religious. And it's wrong in my eyes. Not because of the church or whatever. But for different reasons. I couldnt care less if they wanna go at each other but I'm against same sex marriage. Might be a bit hypocritical but same sex marriage is a no no for me.
I agree! Not only that, but if you're religious then you also know you face for your sins not anyone else's. Don't force your beliefs on others and they shouldn't push their's on you. My opinion anyways. Lol
Gecko? Thanks for the dictionary cut out. Didn't realize Mariam-Webster was the end all be all of how the world should work.
I am against gay marriage 100%, and I also learned that it doesn't matter what my opinion is, I will get silenced anyways for it
Anyael - I love your post. That is it exactly. Too many judge when they have no right to. Have an opinion yes but be judge, jury and executioneer because people live differently to them is simply playing god.
I'm a religious person to but I believe it's not our place to discriminate or judge gays and bisexuals that's gods they should be treated with equal rights. That includes marriage. After all this is suppose to be the land of the free isn't it???
Lets all settle this with a war! People who are against vs people who agree , jk I just find this thread fun
Still. Men were made for women. Part of life is to reproduce. Men cant reproduce with men. Women cant reproduce with women. Fertile or not. Y'know? I have no problems with it as long as it's not marriage. I have lesbian and gay friends. Have no problem with them. Long as they dont try and get with me or anything. But Marriage is a no no for my reasons.
How is this against TOU? Freedom of speech. I didn't discriminate against anyone, posted in the correct area, and have merely stated my opinion.