Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by tash777, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. 
    Lemme repeat this-

    They are not breaking up
    This was a rumor that mcr has already addressed
  2. 1D? God... Why cant there be any good boy groups like that that are not gay, prettyboy, wannabes?
  3. No boybands r GAY! Stop the hate, they're also human u know, if u were them, wouldn't u be sad to no that ur hated by many??
  4. So are they dead or just splitting? I'm confused
  5. Just splitting. None of them are dead, but a few fans have actually commited suicide over the split...
  6. Wow. The ones who commited suicide are complete idiots. Js, suicide over a band? So stupid
  7. Son I have to agree with you. That is really dumb. Oml this world. God help us
  8. It was completely what the band was against. :/
  9. Swedish house mafia rocks
  10.  I like mcr and Swedish house mafia, sad about both 
  11. What happened with Swedish House Mafia?
  12. Just going to bring this back up but I seem the post 'who would commit suicide over a band' sometimes, a certain band saves lives in this situation, MCR(), MCR were the band that were helping a lot of people stop self harm and were worth while so once they were split up or gone, so was the people who committed suicide.

    Tash, I loved your little writing thing, hahaha that is so cool and I see what you done there;)
  13. MCR broke up? ._. That sucks.
  14. I still think we should exchange them for FOB... But Gerard did have some very nice parting words
  15. I agree with Foxy because I only like 3(?) of FOB's songs... ,_,