MY one year promise

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *BH-_-BeenHereSinceDayOne (01), Mar 26, 2013.

  1. By this time next year i will be#1 on the VIP leaderboard

    And my club will be top 20 in VIP
  2. Good luck, but don't be disappointed when you're only 200kcs
  3. To be the best
    Youve got to pass the test
  4. You already broke your promise.
  5. Good luck with that! 
  6. Goodluck bruh. Need any help im free to help. 
  7. You'll need a LOT of dnotes and good tut trading :lol:

    I dont have faith in you ;)
  8. In order to do that, you gotta pass me
  9. Yup and in order to do that you ALSO have to pass me 
  10. I will farm you if you don't fulfil this promise
  11. Spend 30,000 $ on the game you can do what ever
  12. You're really going to spend $30k in real life currency on this game?!?

    Please dont. Seriously.
  13. With $10k you might be able to work something out with the devs, so that the accounts of the top 5 players mysteriously dissapear ;)
    It's no secret they are corrupt. For the right amount of cash, they can faciliate your leaderboard rise ;)
  14. ^^
  15. Anybody got some tips?
    To help me?