Would you rather...?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Amanda-Please, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. So, I have these books full of "would you rather" questions. I figured I would post some good ones for a laugh.

    Would you rather...

    -have your eyes and nipples switch places or your nose and perenium?

    -have a sinus infection where anytime you sneeze while in the presence of others, they change gender or have the inability to distinguish between babies and English muffins?

    -urinate through your nose or smell things with your private parts?

    -have bendy straws for hair or newspaper for skin?

    -eat by putting food down your pants or not?

    -have skin that tans upon hearing the voice of Al Gore or be able to make Amish people break-dance?

    -be able to successfully avoid doing chores and facing minor relationship problems by hiding under some coats for a little while or be able to bake chicken pot pie in your pants?

    -be able to draw like Picasso but smell intensely of raspberry or be able to compose like Mozart but have to always wear those really dark, tight designer jeans from the seventies?
  2. And we're brainless
  3. I'm speechless 
  4. I'd totally have bendy-straws for hair. 
  5.  The last two are really hard. I can't decide.
  6. 

    I wouldn't mind smelling of raspberry. Raspberries are delicious!
  7. What is this?
  8. LMFAO nice name Charlie

  9. Have bendy straws for hair
  10. Wut. 
  11. Raspberry
  12. Bendy straw hair yay!
  13. What's a perineum 
  14. Nipples 
  15. Ill smell like raspberries and wear tight pants if thats what it takes to be so great.
  16.  I'd definately wanna urinate out of my nose.  yup, thats bomb.
  17. OP, drugs kill lay off them for awhile