Lilly:-looks at you and nods blankly looking at the side walk as we walk along examining the wed flowers-
Colin: here -hands snow a umbrella- I never use it anyways because I like the feel of the rain against my skin now come on let's go -heads for the church doors-
Yuuki ===== Yuuki smiled after seeing what her and her sister had done. She looked around and her smile was gone before you can say Well Done. There were so many humans comitting sins. Yuuki took in a deep breath and started working on the humans. Other mages and aliens from world 1 and 3 would be able to sense her magic, but she wanted to help to humans, so she didn't care and continued using her magic. Arixeyenia ========= Arix saw what Yuuki was doing and smiled. Yuuki always liked to help people. Wanting to help Yuuki, Arixeyenia did the same as Yuuki, though her powers were limited. The young petite mage was actually more powerful than she looked. Yuuki wasn't aware of her actual strength, too, but she could copy other people's magic, steal them, and alter them to her liking. Arix sighed mentally, she had to watch out for her younger sister. Looking around to see if any beings from World 1 and 3 were nearby, Arix continued to work on changing the humans' bad habits.
Lilly: Our true form is. Secret kept dear but this form I have taken seems to reflect our coloring -takes a strand of her pure silver hair- my hair was like this when I was changed to a human form Snow:-walks in looking around wide eyed- it's nice
Colin: it's not that nice it's pretty run down and needs alot of work I spend most of my free time fixing it up