Hey MODS! Nxt time if u want to silence somebody! Please give a warning! Like what u did to Mag!! He played PIMD for so long and he was belong to VIP's then u just silenced him permanently?! We give u repect! Or otherwise just speak to us not to play this game!!! Whew!! Uneducated!
You said he played pimd for so long. He should know better than anyone Tell him to send email to appeal and not send someone to cry on forum
But nothing happened like this what did mag do he does nothing but help his mags he helped me. Just trying to stick up for a freind
Mag can email support and find out. Mods don't need to answer about silences. I don't understand how many times you need to be told this before it sticks in your head and I'm sure someone answered on a previous thread that he spammed wc
OP email support. Write them a novel. They will ignore you. You pay money they listen to you. Mag knows. Welcome to PIMD.
Mag knows how to contact support if he feels the need to do so. A silence is between the player and the mod or developer that silenced them.