I'm back

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *-MiniAlt- (01), Mar 23, 2013.

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  1. Anybody want popcorn? 0.o
  2. Dnt make me jump thru ur phone w spoons nd forks
  3. I have fisted her!
  4. Me please. Oh, and bring some drinks. It's gonna be a long day
  5. I'm starting to think it's a fake 
  6. You can't. I have a screen protector
  7. Me too. But'll be fun
  8. 
  9. You cannot out dance me mr ladyboy, I goto Music Rooms in Latvia every Saturday night for Disco and talk to ladies.

    I fist you again and you won't like it
  10. DNT FUDGING HIT ME D: WTFING titymilk? D: y'all being bitchezzzz DNT make me jump thru ur phone with ma peeps
  11. Hello
    I like to lick the bluud
    Out of in the person
    I can see your handsome face
    Dont be so sad about it
    O)_(O [​IMG]
  12. Mrs Mouth,

    Why no A in your name?
  13. We can have fun a lot of the time i'm sure of it
  14. Fist Me D: ermagherd no
  15. I can see your handsome face
  16. You know Mr Jimmy Savilles?
  17. someone needs a new hobby…
  18. im soo confused.
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