"You're going to get Juliet, Faye, I'll get Lady Capulet and them Helle'll get Lady Montague and it'll be brilliant!" Exclaimed Ella. Yes my name is Helle. Don't dwell on it. "I know! It so will." Faye was so excited, I'm so happy for her. I listened to them squeal and giggle. It was pretty funny to watch my friends, they're on another planet to me. "Okay, gather round!" Mr.Tetner called out. A huddle of students surrounded him eagerly. In my head I felt as if I was at Crufts. "So... I'll just list all the parts. Benvolio Marcus Mercutio Harry Tybalt Greg Juliet's maid Carrie Escalus Edward Paris Alex Capulet Daniel Montague Rick Lady Capulet Ella Lady Montague..." And here we see the worst point in my 16 years of living, I really hope you enjoy it because I sure as hell didn't. "…Faye Romeo Liam Juliet.... Helle." Thats when Faye stormed out of the room, Ella followed, glancing sympathetically at me and I stood, flabbergasted."
...This is a story about people being cast as characters in an existing story. Where is the originality and why is it called Bomb?
The story is about teenagers putting on a production. Since when do you know the meaning of a name in the first update?
The wall was rough against my back, so much so I could feel it through my shirt and jumper. The sobbing that rang out from the bathroom made we wince ever time it racked around the walls. Somehow I managed to pick up that Faye was devastated. Did Mr.Tetner have to do this? Is he blind to the fact that Faye cries when she loses an eyelash? Blind to the fact that Faye wanted this a helluva lot more than I do? Looks I was going to have to break out my barely there persuasive skills. But honestly I didn't have much hope. I pushed of the baby blue wall with my foot and headed back towards the drama room. "Congratulations." I spun round, eyeing the boy -man- in front of me. His black hair was jelled into a small quiff and his green eyes glinted. It was as if he was smirking with his eyes which probably makes no sense. "I'd say I was happy, overjoyed, excited whatever but them I'd certainly be lying." "Whats do bad about Juliet?" My eyes skimmed the floor. "To be honest," I began, my voice hardening, "I don't think any of that is your business." The fire raining from the sky -practically- told me that whoever this curious George was he was glaring at me. With fire. "Fantastic. I'm Liam by the way. I'd say it'll be a pleasure working with you but then I'd be lying." "At least I don't use other peoples words against them." He looked me up and down. "Shoelace is untied. Clip is falling out. Bracelet is falling off." And with that. Liam stalked into the drama room. Why is it I feel adamant on not tying up my shoelace, putting my clip back in and pulling my bracelet up? Oh yeah. I'm human. Ugh.