๎๎ so you have no proof that I said it to? Cus you and I both know I never said it. Keep messing with me and I won't hesitate to farm your whole club.
Indeed some insults were there, totally not cool. Religion should not be brought into arguments in here.
MS_WORLD is Right! Pictures say it all. Leave MS_WORLD and apologize to each other. Make Peace and No War.
It shouldn't be and I ne'er said anything bad about any religion. Ms_World put words in my mouth. Called me a liar and racist basically. Two things which I HATE. Because I am neither. Ad to top it off she threatened to get me farmed. My friends are nicer than I am and talked me out of farmig them but, this forum post isn't look to good. And who cares who my alt is? I've said what I needed to say. Have any other questions then follow me. If not, keep up your forum trash. And ill be in your newsfeed. Ps. Yo should upgrade so you will pay more
Well obviously ms_world should've stay cool and report the insults to the dev, not went all crazy and accused others who disagree with her of insulting too. Being rational is the key here.
I would have respected her had she not went way out of line raging on my wall and blocking me. And accusing me of being racist and a liar.