Daniel frowned as he ran a hand through his hair. Standing in front of his car as he waited for Aliza. He usually drove her home after school. He leaned his back against the passenger side door. Aliza was nearly five minutes late, walking over with a slight scowl on her face. Apparently she still wasn't over the whole Ms. Nunez thing. After he had left the nurse's office, he had lost himself in thought. Staring at the black uncleaned chalk board in his classroom. By the time he realized what time it was. Class had already begun to file in. He couldn't get the days events off his mind. Which caused him to lose track of what page he was teaching. The class thought it was funny. Luckily for him he hadn't bumped in to Julie. Aliza rolled her eyes, seeing Daniel move away from the car and open her door for her. She released a stressed sigh and got in. Adjusting her book bag to her lap. Her door was shut gently after her entrance. He rounded the car, getting in the driver's seat, " How are you feeling? ", He asked her softly, pulling the car out of the parking space to the south side of the school. She bit her bottom lip and stared out the window. Refusing to answer him and instead giving him the cold shoulder. He was slowly getting frustrated with her, " Aliza please don't be angry with me. I told you before, that it had meant nothing with her. We're both teachers, and-" " And she needed help being showed the ropes since she's new. ", She cut him off with irritation lacing her voice. She had just about enough of hearing about Ms. Nunez. Daniel moved his hand to hers. Gently rubbing the back side of her hand with his thumb. He remained silent the rest of the drive. Tensing once he saw that she wasn't budging on the matter. Perhaps he could change her mind. Just as he pulled up to her house and put the car in park. His phone began to buzz with a new message. He cursed to himself in his thoughts. He nearly forgot about Julie. Aliza opened her door and stepped out, the door being closed behind her. Walking up the few steps to her house. She turned to see where he was. Daniel was out of the car and by her side within a short time frame, " Aliza, listen..I have something to take care of. But I will see you tomorrow at school. ", He said just as she opened her door with her house keys. He could tell from the look in her eyes that she was upset. But that train of thought was discontinued. She rolled her eyes and shut the door before he could further his explanation. He sighed and walked back to his car, getting in. He felt horrible, he never let her down with their study time. He didn't know how long she would be upset with him. But he would have to make it up to her. Once he was in his car, driving away to Julie's. he failed to see the sad pair of eyes gazing out the kitchen window of the house he just left. Julie was waiting in the door way of the front door. Her dark red dress hugging her figure and cutting off to an inch above her knees. The straps hung loosely around her shoulders. Baring more soft flesh for all to see. She let her hair down to flow past her shoulders. Ruby red lips curved in to a smile. She could have sworn she saw him gulp upon arrival. Daniel parked his car right behind hers. Adjusting the first button on his shirt. He cleared his throat and stepped out. Taking his time in shutting his car door and walking up towards the front door. Julie giggled softly at the faint flush of pink on his cheeks. She watched his eyes ravish her body from head to toe. Even the black high heels she picked out added more to the ravishing sight before him. She led him in, " Hello Daniel, I'm so glad you could make it. I have some appetizers in the kitchen if your hungry. ", She said in her velvety sweet voice. He followed her towards the kitchen like a lost puppy. She swore if he were a dog, he'd have his tongue hanging out lopsided to his mouth. Men were all the same. It started off friendly enough, chatting over the usual school buisness. Eating a few mozzarella sticks while they shared a bottle of wine. Who knew alcohol had such an affect on the human senses? She smiled at him, " Daniel, I hope I'm not keeping you out too late. Wouldn't want you to be tired for school in the morning. ", She said softly and got up just as he did. Two hours had past since he had gotten there. Daniel nodded, standing up and grabbing his car keys from the kitchen table. He followed her to the front door. Turning to her to say goodnight. He didn't notice they were in such close proximity of each other until now. The sight of her took his breath away. She took a step towards him, " Are you okay to drive home? ", She asked him sweetly, brushing her fingers up his right arm. Her mischievous green eyes gazing in to his lust filled amber eyes. Daniel moved in closer to her. His fingertips grazing her cheek softly. She leaned in to his touch, encouraging him. It was all that it took to set him off. He backed her against the wall. His lips seeking hers lustfully. She responded with her arms wrapping around his neck. Pulling him flush against her, she could feel his excitement. It just made her want him more. A soft moan escaped her, feeling his hand pulling her leg up around his waist. She kissed him passionately and pressed in to him. He held her against the wall, kissing her deeply and lost in a swirl of emotion. His buttons becoming unbuttoned by her experienced fingers. He groaned and cupped her cheek, holding the deepening kiss. It was hard to ignore the blossoming feelings. That and the fact that her dress was riding up her thighs. Julie moved her hand down his half exposed chest. Daniel pulled away from her, flushed and over worked. He let go of her leg, taking a step back, " I-I'm so sorry Julie. I really should get going. ", He mumbled in a rush and pulled open the front door. Dashing off to get to his car in a hurry. Julie sighed in frustration, tugging her dress back down in place. Cleaning the smeared lip stick from her lips. She stepped in to the doorway, watching him year off on to the streets. A smirk played on her lips, " You can't run far Daniel. I know you can't resist me. It's only a matter of time before I get you. ", She whispered to herself. She was only 27, a young teacher yes. But she had some experience under her belt from being an assistant teacher in a previous school. She was getting ahead of herself already. She knew the football coach wanted her. Hell even the janitor couldn't stop checking her out. But there was only one guy that caught her interest. Daniel. Smooth talking and sweet Daniel. He was so concentrated on helping his students. That he didn't even take care of his own needs. She would have to change that. The fun was just beginning and she loved a good old game of cat and mouse. Soon Daniel. Soon you'll be mine.
Update ~<>~~~~<>~~~<>~~~<>~~~<>~~~<>~~~<>~~~~<>~ Walking through the hallways, Aliza felt a emptiness in her. Daniel hadn't stayed for their study session. Maybe she shouldn't have been so hard on him, if he said that him and Ms. Nunez were just talking then they were just talking. Still, how could she compete with her? She was more age appropriate for Daniel, she was very attractive, she was smart, and she shared a teaching passion just like Daniel. Frowning as she thought to herself, she bumped into someone who surprised her. "Aliza! Long time no see hmm. I miss you in my class those freshmen just take a toll on you." Mr.Mill smiled his trademark grin, immediately making Aliza smile. He had been her junior math teacher. Daniel had taken over his class and well, the rest was history. "Hello Mr. Mill, it's nice seeing you agian. I'm sorry your freshmen don't have the maturity of Juniors, such a shame," she replied jokingly. "Yes why they can't mature faster is a mystery for me." Nodding slightly he walked on down the hall. Now there was a teacher Aliza would never have worries about. He was young, yes but he had an air of a 30 year old around him. He reminded Aliza of her Father, before him and her mother, well.. made terrible choices. Now they are trying to be there for her more then they were. Walking past Daniels room the door opened and suddenly she was inside. Daniel looked down at her with pure concern in his eyes making something in her heart melt a little. "Aliza. I think we need to talk." She nodded and shifted her weight. "Yes we do, I wanted to apologize. Maybe I was to harsh about you and Ms. Nunez." Pain flashed in his Amber eyes. "Last night, Ms. Nunez invited me to dinner. So that we could get to know each other as work colleague." Aliza nodded confused on where this was going. "Maybe I had to much wine or maybe I can't control myself around women, but at the end of the night we kissed." Aliza looked at him the emotion drained from her face. Her Daniel had kissed another women, he had put his hands in her body, she had touched his lips to hers. Shaking her head, Aliza took a step back. "I stopped it, I left nothing happened other then kissing. Aliza I swear it just made me realize that even though I may lust after her something was missing. I didn't want to start a relationship with her. You, I want to be with in both ways. You can make me want you without even having to dress sexually or make physical contact. I love you Aliza. I am so sorry." "You kissed another women, You Kissed My Science Teacher after DITCHING me for OUR study date! Do you expect me to be okay with that!?" Backing up, Aliza tried to make a quick get away. She wanted to get away from the man who betrayed her, but he had grabbed her waist and pulled her to him. Kissing her right there in his classroom. He hadn't kissed her since she was in the hospital and for a moment she softened. Returning the kiss with the love and passion she's had for him. Pulling her lips back slightly trying to fight this conflicting emotion surging through her. "Daniel please, stop." He didn't stop, he just covered her mouth with his not letting her speak again. All words slipping through her brain. The spell broke though when she realized that someone else's lips had been with these ones. Pushing on Daniels strong arms that were wrapped around her waist. Aliza tried to pull away to stop this maddness that was happening. Suddenly the door sprung open, she and Daniel sprung apart to face Mr. Mill. "Nick, I can explain--" Mr. Mill or Nick held out a hand. "Aliza, come with me. I think Daniel here needs to get his head straight." Aliza nodded and took no second glances at Daniel walking outside with Mr. Mill. Looking at her straight in the eye Mr. Mill shook his head. "What in Gods name were you two thinking! It could have been the principle walking in there or another student! Do you want him to go to jail Aliza? Because he will, you are not 18! Not yet and you two can't be a normal couple until you are!" Running a hand through his black hair Mr. Mill sighed. "Aliza I thought better of you, I thought you would be smart about this stupid thing you are doing." "He kissed me Mr. Mill , after I tried to leave when he told me he had Kissed Ms. Nunez!" Mr. Mill paused, startled. "Aliza... I am so sorry." She nodded looking down tears forming. Just then a blonde pig tail bobbed into view. "Aliza! Oh hello Mr...." Gina blushed not knowing his name. Mr. Mill stared at Gina for a second and shaked him self smiling and offering his hand. "Mr. Mill, You are a friend of Aliza's?" "Yes sir! My names Gina, Im new to this school," she said shaking his hand smiling still. The smile stopped when she saw how close Aliza was to crying. "Oh Aliza what's wrong?" "Nothing just um hit my head, Mr. Mill helped me. We should go, Im hungry and lunch started." "Yeah, that's why I came to find you," Gina replied slowly, looking at the two of them. "Let's go then." Aliza grabbed Gina's hand and steered her away from Daniels room and Mr. Mill. Before they had gotten far though Mr. Mill called out. "I hope to see you two again, Gina if you need someone to show you around to dont be afraid to stop by." Well, well, well, looks like Mr. Mill was just like Daniel after all. Maybe, she thought, I should warn Gina. Aliza glanced at her friend and saw how she was openly gazing at Hunter in the lunch room. No ,she smiled thinking, Gina can take care of herself, unlike me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope y'all like it haha I am still kind of mad at Daniel though and he's my own character lol