*cough* *cough*

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -SBO-GracieMonster, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. That severely awkward moment when someone from your "noob days" contacts you on PimD and you're just like..."o.o I really don't want anything to do with you..."
  2. That's there's the unfollow option.

  3. Then they get all offended and you honestly could care less. xD
  4. That's why*

    If you don't care then just do it? Lol
  5. (Ik I'm still technically in my noob days)
    Or when they are all like "I miss you!" And your like "oh......I..uhm...miss you too....?"
  6. I would be delighted to talk to them again. They're still my friends. Why would I abandon them?

    Why befriend them in the first place if you're just going to go "omg do i know you asdflgkdjns why"? It seems a bit... I dunno, cruel, I guess? I mean it just shows that the friendship wasn't as strong as you thought it was. In fact it just proves that it was false and was a complete big doo doo lie.

    Which is pretty sad. xC
  7. Another amazing thread from Gracie. Give her a hand, ladies and gentlemen 
  8. We meet again candy  no hate this time.
  9. Ive still got some amazing friends from my noob days
  10. Awww  How's my Office Bitch today? 
  11. I've always been curious as to what's behind those stars. I just assume it's a field full of frolicking bunnies, expressing your love for me.

    But hey.  I'm probably wrong. I'm well. How are you?
  12. Frolicking bunnies? Ahhaha, no. Jack rabbits 
  13. Love hate relationship starting^
  14. Isn't it cute
  15. I kinda agree with Arachnids on this. In real life right now, I'm dealing with a few fake friends/coworkers. Either be nice and befriend someone or don't. Don't pretend to be nice to them one day and rude the next.
  16. Re: *cough* *cough*
  17. You're missing my point.

    Some of you met really awesome people when you guys were noobs, and that's great. But there are some that are very annoying.

    Well, for me at least.
  18. someone keeps asking me for dirty rp