What I've Been Getting Up To

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Cookie0024 (01), Mar 17, 2013.

  1. He said too, that's why. xD
  2. So just to be clear, you do SEO from your bedroom for pocket money. The same as most other IT literate children from Kent to Cambodia.

    Next you'll be writing about "Seagulls striking back" ...
  3. Well he said he was on google, so. 
  4. ... Hello Mr. Cook. Hurhurhur
  5. You see, if I was a spotty underaged pre-pubescent little oik, I wouldn't post my delusions of grandeur in public.

    I wouldn't highlight to people your failed job history.

    I wouldn't invite people to google you and troll your short message Internet feeds

    Or post comments on your blog posts.

    Whilst you may secretly believe no PR is bad PR, you'll simple invite trouble.


  7. Moving on. What do I google, now?
  8. Google cookie0024. It has that tweety bird app. Looney Tunes.
  9. Polonium then.

  10. Calls himself Marketing Manager, his boss calls him Jr Social Media Intern 
  11. WELP THEN.

    Watch out, we got a badass over here 
  12. Poseidon has been appointed my Royal Head of Social Media activity 
  13. I've known the guy for 10 minutes, get owned kiddies.
  14. Dawn you can be "Marketing Manager" (Poseidon, lets be clear... She's a Jr Intern...)
  15. I'm sorry, sir, what was that?

    *feels le importance*