You know your addicted to PIMD when

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_WfPk_-Dr_Murky_McStuffins-, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. When you don't check pimd for 5 days straight
  2. U spend ur life in the house sweating and depressed cause u don't have a girlfriend and that someone just sf'd u 
  3. You are talking to someone n stop n the middle of your sentence.. n wish u could put in an emoji..
  4. The emoji thing is so true, life isn't the same without them.
  5. You send the kids to their grandparents house so you can participate in a war.
  6. When your on 18 hours a day, playing the game.
    When you talk about your friends on here to your real friends in real life.
    When you spend more time on this game then with your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend.
  7. When u wanna strip farm your boss
  8. When ur photos have more ss than photos
  9. When u can't leave the house without a charger and u can't go to work when there is a war
  10. When u intend to just look at some of ur notifications and then the street lights come on
  11. This is halarious
  12. When you buy your way to bc.
  13. When you wake up in the morning shouting at your children for not upgrading properly.
  14. When u ask the cashier if they take extra cerdits.....
  15. when you meet a guy on here date him for five months then when you guys meet you sit in the room and play pimd and pm each other
  16. when you became useless in Real World.
  17. I wanna strip farm my boss
  18. When you threaten your bro with a strip farm.

    Poor bro! He doesn't even know what I was saying.
  19. When u talk more about the game in real life then u do anything else and when u play it in middle of class just so u can farm
  20. when you get mad at your best friend in real and threaten to farm her till she resets