The Kidnappers ;RP;

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by __-Pixiex-__, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Mason Silk




    Brutally honest
    Good sense of humour
    A hypocrite
    Down to earth

    http://slodive.com/wp-content/uploads/2 ... %5B/img%5D
    (both arms)

    Bio: Hes had a fairly average life. He grew up in Birmingham, England with Mum, Dad and younger Lauren.

    Extra: He's currently studying Preforming arts at Birmingham Ominston Academy.
  2. Accepted! We just need one more friend!
  3. I'll make a deal, I won't mess with this rp is you add more characters. Your going to need more choices :lol:
  4. I'll be the other friend
  5. Sure.. Not many people are joining anyway but if anyone does want to join, just pm me the role you want to be
  6. Just realised I haven't done mine yet!!


    Name; Rosa
    Age; 17
    Body Mods; ---
    Grew up in a very nice state with loving and kind parents, never really had anything wrong with her life..
    Extra's; ---
  7. We are now starting!

    So, the brake up has been over and done with and you are now home from school. The two boys are at one anthers house and the three girls are at one another's house.. ( you decide who's houses)..

    We can have one more Boy/Criminal since there are 3 girls so if anyone wants to make another character, please do
  8. Jase: -grabs a beer from the fridge, takes the cap off with his teeth and spits it in the garbage can-
  9. Rosa; - falls down onto her bed and reads a book in silence -
  10. I'm going to make a boy and a friend, is that okay
  11. Lance: -sitting down looking at the ceiling-
  12. ><

    Name: Caspar Fontemonde

    Age: 18

    Looks: [​IMG]


    Personality: Mean, cold. Caspar is someone you don't want to mess with, his girlfriend was the light of his life. Till she broke up with him. He barely smiles and loves to trick people. Caspar is very sadistic and is not that social. Sly, cunning, trickster. Very intelligent.


    Extra:.He learns martial arts and is quite strong.
  13. Role is one of the kidnappers
  14. ><

    Name: Blaire Fontemonde

    Age: 17

    Role: friend

    Looks: [​IMG]

    Personality: Bright, funny . Blaire is loved by everyone. She is clever and social. Blaire likes to be crazy, hyper and loves to talk. She always smiles and laughs. She does have a sadistic evil side that she turns into when she's very angry.


    Extra: Caspars younger sister, she learns martial arts and is quite strong
  15. Jase: -walks into the living room and plops down on the couch, sips his beer-
  16. Accepted Naviesa!


    Rosa; - generally chucks the book across the room, looks out into the blue sky, and thinks.. -
  17. Lance: -takes out a cigarette-