Sorry about that, but I'd like to offer my own opinions. I'm not saying that I'm better or more experienced than you...
As a forumer I feel that I should be able to bring up questions or argue if I want to, no matter how long I've been playing.
I respect that, but I still don't think you should butt into other people's beeswax, Jack trolling was enough, you know as people say 'Know Your Place'
Name: Lance Murdoch Age 18 Role: Boy/criminal Personality: TBR Body modification: none Bio: TBR Extra: usually wears a glove on his left hand (I actually like this Rp but there needs to be more Characters)
Yeah Akiko, we've been here for ages. You've only been here since February 27th. You honestly know nothing about FF so pls.
Alexa Nickolas 18 Girl/Victim • Random • Has that "I don't care" attitude • Loud • Forgiving • Daredevil • Cheeky • Sensitive • Quite fun Body mods
*** Alexa Nickolas 17 • Random • Has that "I don't care" attitude • Loud • Forgiving • Daredevil • Cheeky • Sensitive • Quite fun Body mods
Jase Lochlan 19 Boy/Crimanal Different Intense Strong Quick Caring at times Doesn't take any BS Excellent liar Angered easily Cunning Manipulative Bio: No one really know much about Jase, except that he's from Louisiana. Extra: •Loves baseball •Always has a pistol in his globe compartment in his truck
....Pix..... I thought I would get a spot...Gracie there were no more girl spots left for the victim and I asked Pix for an Extra spot....