I remember how everybody freaked when they relaxed the silencing rules and I believe the popular phrase was " if you don't like it don't play the game". It all depends who makes the forum post not the subject.
All this complaining if you don't like it don't play the game the devs made the game to make money not to make you happy. Yea it sucks what they doing but if you had a business wouldn't you do what's best for your business. Nobody is forcing anyone on here to play the game if you don't like the game simply hold the app down and delete it. It so stupid to continuously cry about something yet still do the thing your crying about which is you cry about the game yet you still play the dam game. Their are so many games to play that aren't social but this is how social games are people well hookup and whatever get to know friends on different levels. You can't stop or do anything to change the devs mind if this is what they want then it's going to happen, if you don't like it stop playing, or make your own game then lol geez you act like they owe you something lol
JustFalcon, have you ever stopped to think that maybe we're all complaining because we do like the game? THE ACTUAL GAME. Or maybe that we've all invested so much time, and for many of us money in this app? Think about that one for a few minutes bud.