Whos The Most Hated On PIMD

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -T_L-Emoji, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. I had this idea that world isn't flat this one time but I saw that someone already took my idea, great minds think alike indeed
  2. isn't Akira12 that tryhard charliescene ?
  3. Akira is CharlieSchene FYI. She hasn't gone anywhere.
  4.  And I am definitely the most hated mod.
  5. ski you could be right but i like ya the most hated mod ever would have to have been neon he was a idiot
  6. Oh. I didn't realise someone who makes fun of a disabled child and wishes her dead, and then gets farmed by all of pimd would have the nerve to stick around under another name. Guess someone that pathetic only has online friends to hold on to, real life interaction is clearly too much.
  7. This was by far the most hated mod
  8. ^ true story.
  9. Not sure about that. A lot of people can't stand Olivia with good reason 
  10. And I love ya skippy 
  11. rose was one of the best mods we had
  12. I remember the skyman and sk8er girl stuff. So funny
  13. Rose

    Neon was a hot tempered idiot  fucking nut job. Even when you defended him he'd still turn shit on you.
  14. I agree with that. Rosey was awesome
  15.  I liked Olivia. She was my favorite
  16. A lot of men liked Olivia. I've seen the pictures 
  17. I've never seen them, and that's not why I liked her.
  18. Casp