Noob, not really. I've accomplished more on the learning of games mechanisms than you did. my stats aren't what illustrate my knowledge. wasted place in my brain. But I understand that you are irritated that I still dislike you after you decided to look 'human' and to show 'compassion' and 'pity'.
I didn't really know you, but you I have seen you around in forums. Only know good things to say about you. Take care! Enjoy your life!
Noob isn't your stats or whatever knowledge you have of this game, it's of your attitude. Which frankly, sucks.
lack of honesty on this thread saddens me. I'm leaving I don't give a fuck about what you really think. So I'll sum it up for you. Slenderman was a real asshole, annoying little brat. I didn't know him but I hated him like everyone because gosh, it's so cool to hate him, it gets us near people like CJS... wait he's gone. It makes me have the same ideas than an ex mod and her followers. Wow I'm so cool. Slender was a piece of shit, really. he can go die and we'll be happy. In fact, if you guys knew me, you'd be up there with the people I thank. These names are the names of those I respected and trusted. The rest... well I don't really care about the rest.
Was there really a need to be a jerk a few posts ago? You could've just said thanks or not said anything. Personally, I found what I saw of you to be funny. As I said, I didn't really know you well though.
I love you all! Stop fighting all the time since there is so much happiness to celebrate. LIFE IS GREAT!!!
Now that I've been mentioned I'll leave, but come on. Take your high horse with you, Slendy. I'll miss you, babycakeywakey.
I was not funny. I had fun in being mean to people I disliked. and I disliked a lot of people. That's why I made a list of people I like, it's way easier to do.
Well, that was my opinion of you. And I don't understand why a compliment has you being rude, but whatever. Have a nice life!
It has me being rude because I am always rude. the only people who get to see me not being rude are my friends.
Oh lord. Maybe if you were nicer to people you wouldn't be in this situation? Time to get off your high horse. I don't hate you, you annoy me but I don't hate. All the best. And I hope you fix your attitude before it gets you into serious trouble.
I'll miss you slender. You know how to reach me on that other app we all talk in. Don't be a stranger.
I'm going to miss you Slendy. You were one of my favorite pupils, you were the bestest owner Old School could've had and a great friend. You weren't the greatest, but you wrote some pretty rad threads and gave strong arguments when need be. -TMG/MEJ out