
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -SW-iDrunkChristie, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. Hey Guys and Girls,

    I don't know if a thread like this has been made before, but I'm going to roll with it anyway.

    Situation 

    Answer the question 
    Go Go Go!
  2. Remote Control
  3. Laptop. 

    I'll use the glare from the sun to blind them.  Then beat them mercilessly on the head. 
  4. A pencil...

    OH COME ON 
  5. I cant even see the picture
  6. Binder with sharp paper! paper cut!!
  7. My phone 
  8. A beer bottle. 
  9. Damn...

    My pillow. I'm ******
  10. [​IMG]
    Lets do this cat!
  11. Hawk
  12. 
  13. Hawk!! 
  14. Y'all trying to kill me lol hah