
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Synical4, Mar 6, 2013.

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  1. I agree with Goldia. Engel 
  2. Thanks for sticking up for everyone that has this:
    Goldia, you are amazing, beyond words. 
    And to the others, you are incredibly appreciated by me who stood up. 
  3. Can we get an encore? do you want more?
  4. Well it arnt no laughing mater And if we can help lets as some don't get help and it's to late. So engel you want to help believe it's real so others can get help also as I would hate to think one thing you said today ended ones life. Remember that next time you call a depressed person lazy
  5. The Point Goldy was most of you are pathetic fakes. Your Government hopefully will weed you out so the can focus a bankrupt medicare on the needy not the perm lazy. It is a standing insult you place yourself in the same group of ppl that have had their thinking process damaged by unthinkable horrors, devastating damage to their bodies. I don't know your stories, correct nor would I listen as they are not much different from everyone else who hasn't buckled. One person said, do correct me My Dad died when I was 6 month old and I've been depressed since. Clinically you can't say that's impossible but it's probable your Mom was justifiably depressed and this broke down your critical lap time.

    Quite right Europe was 11 countries lost count when they let the Eastern Europe in. You prolly had a point.

    Use setting 320 x 320 Bretton to appear less noobish.

    Some of the op names are a clear indicator at least some enjoy this dark outlook on life. Let me guess lots of facial pearcings and street tattoos.

    For those of you with genuine depression I beg your forgiveness.

    If you want me off the thread it's easy get the op to tell me to leave. Then you can all wallow in self pity. Get that dark tunnel story down straight.
  6. U were depressed since u were 6 months old? Now that, is a lie.
  7. Government? What government? They dont care... All they care abt is $$
  8. If I need to placed in this category I will. I told all I want to help all and if I can I do. I not to proud to place myself under other categories to help another. Engel I see we're your coming from also, but today maybe they all needed to vent there anger out as you have . Today maybe you all help each other As that is what I will go away thinking today
  9. Quite right place. It seems you understand what I've done, thank you. I'll coast
  10. Oh wow she at it again
  11. Ice, you are THE most sorry excuse of a vessel for a soul that's probably cringing at your displayed case of stupidity right now 

    WOW! Congratulations Doctor, you sure showed us! What's next? You working on resurrecting Freud? Or maybe Carl Jung? Probably Jung so you can prove him wrong eh?

    If you were trying to make a point, you could've made that point from the getgo instead of going around in pretentious circles trying to smell your own ass Which by the way, is quite the feat that you pulled
    I don't see how quoting articles and going trigger happy crazy on links had anything to do with your point that some of the people claiming to be depressed are fake and etc etc etc. Because you know, trying to appear smarter than you really are is a backwards way of thinking, and you end up tripping on your own two feet

    And really? That's the best apology you could muster up? Such a robot, meep meep!
  12. I'm sorry, 'normally caring person'?

    Don't make me laugh. You bring up all this bullshit about GODDAMN GOVERNMENT, when the government doesn't even have a fucking part in the entire depression scene. Are you genuinely that stupid, or are you pulling off that government-conspiracy shit on a thread about depression? I live in China, dip shit.

    Yes, there are blogs, there are forums. This is a forum on a game, whose purposes can be interpreted. This thread is for depressed people to connect, which the likes of you are highly unappreciated and UNWANTED. Get that through your thick skull. And anyone who thinks a valid and actual disorder is just some act that "lazy people" pull off can stuff a psychology textbook up their ass, because you obviously need it along with the crap and sad excuse of a head you have snuffed up there as well.

    Don't make me laugh, Engel. Your logic is more flawed than the crap politicians say in the media. :|
  13. Yes DES very weak apology. Jung lol good one. Links, never touched one, sorry. Good vent though.
  14. "pathetic fakes".

    Say that again and I will have no problem throwing a fucking hardbook covered psychology textbook in your sad virtual FACE. You think the world is so black and white? Now explain to me about how world hunger, cancer and war aren't actual things, because you seem to be the biggest-know-it-all asshole I've ever had the displeasure of meeting!

    Go back to school, you stupid piece of illiterate ignorant shit.
  15. China oh fascinating. Question where did all the depressed street ppl go during the Olympics.
  16. IceEngel, you are completely full of it.
    Get it now, that remarks like that will get you
  17. Cancer and hunger are not trendy escapes my dear not possible to fake OCD ADS Depression are and produce some "pathetic fakes"
    Society allows children to tag themselves with this excuse rather than struggle as previous generations did. So there is the sad contradiction. How do you help the genuine sick when funding in a free society is limited. Here we have a group of ppl who own iPod iPad iPhone Android or PC now I think. That indicates dependence or achievement does it not? How do we afford to deal with soldiers devastated by war, children suddenly orphaned, elderly deserted by their children, street ppl with nothing but a few rags in a shopping cart. How does China deal with the burden, not Hong Kong, China.
  18. I'm starting to wonder if ice is one of those mopey, self righteous housewives who has nothing to do but pull up facts from google and try to play it off cool, acting like this thread is amusement and a type of experiment for her (he?).

    Quick! Pull up logical books and use them as a pseudo-cross! Ice will hiss and slither away into her house because she most obviously can't comprehend even the simplest of things one tells it, even if there's more than one person telling her for pages
  19. It's sad that you find pleasure in hitting those that may really be going threw depression. Help is one thing disrespecting is another these people need a place to vent out there anger where there not judge, but you are stopping the zone. An Australian new reporter here said she was going through depression and everybody keep telling her it would go and was not believed so was my friend. Two days later she was gone drove over cliff And my freind also gone .

    So does it really matter how me communicate it to each other if we can save lives. We all are told to believe in god I've never seen him does it mean he's not true. Of course not so I they need help through depression I'm here let them be you anger to them dose not help thank you
  20. No I'm not amused Stone, annoyed, somewhat, concerned yes. Not a house wife either, be nice though. So hate or pity towards me?
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