
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Synical4, Mar 6, 2013.

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  1. If you don't have anything nice to say,dont say anything at all. We don't need you, an insecure, arrogant, and self righteous "know-it-all" to tell us what's right and what's not. You dont need extreme situations to make one depressed. Most depressed people dont come out and say "hey im depressed omg help waah". but they do need help so they go to people who share their feelings to strengthen each other and rise together. Like those alcohol or whatever circles of people who share their past and help each other overcome their problems. They dont go tellin their problems to people like you because they know you wont understand. No one truly understands till theyve been through it or are going through it. So try having some sympathy and empathy and just get outta here.
  2. Agrees with Kool
  3. Kool to the word
  4. Opps i forgot abt Tou  if forgot no posting of outside links.... Oh well I get silenced... (First one too)
  5. Lol. Quite the retard aint she.
  6. Quite the what?
  7. It's a good kink lady. That's what this group of sad ppl need Help. Hope Mods forgive you. Think you'll find Stanford also has an open blog on the subject. A great place to discuss outside a war game.

    Whatever Rosebud.
  8. Oops sorry link
  9. You just contradicted yourself you foolish person
    Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass.....

    Nah. Don't think it'll happen. Nevermind!
  10. How that Stone your itching to say something profound spit it out
  11. I doubt it'd ever stick to your mind
    You know, since you know everything and you have a clinical phd and all  However can an undergraduate compare to such superior intellect?
  12. One of the greatest minds in history, indeed 
  13. Such an ENGEL!!
  14. lol Good work New emotion is good for you.

    State of Florida has passed a law that you have to be drug tested to receive welfare. Now with the US having the greatest medical burden by per cent in the free world they are after fake med care recipients. So who is at the top of med cares fraud list. If you guessed depression your wrong they came second. I know I know that's depressing news, but back damage is the big fraud.

    The good news is once societies burdens are busted the ppl in real need can be helped. We can give that Marine missing legs and in a genuine depression help.

    Why has depression tripled in USA in just the last decade. Well for one 20% of you got laid off. Your self worth in the dumper. Hugs, honestly, now pick your ass up and be counted.

    Why didn't my parents have ADD in their generation. Really simple Sociologists had not come up with a buzz word to coddle lazy kids yet. Granted some kids had crackhead parents but schools just shove student after student in the rapid growing special Ed classes.

    Kudos to you that claim to be depressed but carry on. Count your blessings, your normal. Now you folks wanna play games in your Moms basement when you 54 cause life is just to hard. You want the rest of society to pay your way? Rehabilitation means to return to society in a useful condition. hmmm

    I think you should watch the Fisher King. Hate and love seem to be the reoccurring cure for depression. Not drugs or talking to other manic depressionists. Some are just joining in to get their act straight. some are looking for confirmation. They are convincing themselves they are sick. It's a lazy genode not a physiology one.

    Thank you Richard Branson It took a Brit to point out Americas dip in society morays.
  15. I'm not depress or anything but I have friends that are so if you need anyone, I'll be here to listen to all your problems. You can just express everything to me 
  16. Oh look, a pop up.


    I wonder who it's for.
  17.  You might also want to invest time in double checking the definition of a word, and the spelling of a word on google while you're clicking away on links thinking you're a holder of a Ph.D

    Seriously. Welfare abuse is nothing new. I don't know what you're trying to accomplish by regurgitating an article from online, other than a false sense of pride, accomplishment, and superiority. But it's as empty as the first half of a bag of chips
  18. I don't even know how the fuck that was relevant to anything at all.

    Look here, Engel. I don't give a flying fuck about your shit statistics and asinine assumptions, because you are obviously some 16 year old teenage chick with nothing to do but share your ridiculous, hypocritical, ignorant and rude statements that don't even make jackshit sense on this thread. You don't know our stories, and frankly, I wouldn't want to talk to people like you about them, BECAUSE YOU ARE SUCH AN IDIOT. No, I'm not sorry at the least, because anyone who contradicts themselves by saying that they know that depression is an actual happening thing but doesn't acknowledge the people who carry that disorder, are obviously shit heads who think that Europe is a country.

    Your stupidity is just so fucking there. Like a huge, negative vomit colored balloon admist a bunch of neutral colored ones.

    Go act like an ass somewhere else. We don't need your shit.
  19. Goldialocks:  i totally agree
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