Didn't read it. PIMD Perv Zithead playing with himself. PIMD Sexual Preference Announcer, cause it's easier to come out behind the PC screen. Predators Cyber stalkers searching for victims. Ignore top two Report 3 to DEVS.
We're all adults or supposed to be it says you're supposed to be over 17 to download the game..granted people lie but parents should monitor their children's phones...who cares what's a little boob humor? Anyway that's for defining pervert for me! I totally thought it was a type of cheese
Wait, so. What was the overall point of this thread? I got bored after you decided to provide us with a definition :|
:shock: OMG I thought perverts were mythical creatures like unicorns, talking cucumbers, and Elmo they EXIST ?!
Good point Ash. I ask what is perversion? It crosses many religious and even county lines. What you may consider perverted going on behind closed doors makes you the pervert for looking, no? I think the real issue is we know real predators are on every game on the Internet. Make every effort to protect the children playing.
Technically ToU says 13. And it's ITunes my hat has set 17 restriction. But what 13 year old should be playing college based game? Hmmm. I fully support theory that parents need to actually parent which is why when the young Perv approaches I tell them to tell their parent and delete the game! you people are forgetting that some of these Pervs aren't old gross men out there. I, for one, am not even a man! Your attempt to stop it is feeble and weak!
Everybody has their inner pervert. Some just show, others don't Everybody lusts Everybody gets that desire to fuck all day and night