In Deep  ,_,

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -SBO-GracieMonster, Mar 5, 2013.

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  1. When I was your age my old man would've beat me with a belt if I ditched class. Losing my toys for a week is nothing compared to sitting awkwardly for a few days.
  3. Where is spike has he reset?
  4. Spike reset.... Again  we helped him get up to like 20kcs. Then kaput gone.

    Gracie sneak back on pimd
  5. I could say the same fucking thing to you, too 

    Once again, the fucking irony.
  6.  The words shit has been used to much in this thread.

  7. IOANAAAAAA 
    Try to be more creative with the bad words, you nub. 
  9. How's this:

    All you seem to be doing is bitching at people. That's all you seem to be good for these days. Use your bitch-fu on them? Huh? The Mistress of Bitching. That's what they should call you. Seriously. Five ancient sons of bitches gathered together one day at the top of Mt. Bitch to proclaim your birth! And a hundred years later when all the bitch stars had alligned you were born and made everyone's lives around you a living hell because you are Such A Bitch !

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